Eleazar then decided to turn his attention to Bella and answered," It's a defensive talent." Edward also turned his attention to Bella and stated in realisation," It's why I couldn't read your mind, even before you turned. It's why Aro couldn't." Not letting Bella get a word in, Eleazar continued Edward's sentence," You have a very powerful gift."

A blond vampire I've come to know as Kate lunged forward a gripped onto Bella's hand before smirking," Oh, yeah she's a shield alright. That shoulda put her on her ass." Another vampire stepped forward out of the small crowd that had gathered in the clearing to show off, a cheeky smirk resting on his pale face as he gazed at Kate. I didn't know the Vampire's name but I had seen Benjamin conversing with him previously in the day. " Or your voltage has been exaggerated."

Kate turned round and walked straight up to the Vampire raising he head to look him in the eyes, speaking softly but still being able to be heard by everyone present," Maybe it only works on the weak?" She raised her hand softly and wiggled her fingers, a silent challenge resting in the sexual tension between them. I smirked and spoke softly, my voice like wind as it drifted to everyone's ears," She's gonna make you regret a lot of life decisions real soon, you ain't like Bella hun." Chuckles filled the air causing the male to roll his eyes and reach his index finger towards Kate's open palm. Carlisle offers a real warning to the man, stopping him just before he made contact, " Garrett, I wouldn't."

The stupid, love struck vampire did it anyway. Garret's once taller frame dropped as he fell to his knees making him shorter than the grinning Kate. " You are an amazing woman," his voice invaded the clearing after a brief moment of silence, his voice overflowing in admiration and his eyes trailed up and down Kate's body as he checked her out. I let out a small squeal of surprise when I realized he was checking her out, turning round and burying my head in Benji's chest. " There are children present!" Everybody burst into laughter, including Benjamin at myl reaction.

All of a sudden our joy was broken by the howling and snarling of wolves coming from the forest, one by one we begin to sprint off into the forest until we come across, two unknown vampires who were sitting on a rock taunting the wolves below them. " Vladmir, Stefan, you're a long way from home," Carlisle called out to the two males. Kate looked at the two vampires in uncertainty," What are they doing here?" Carlisle ignored her passive aggressive inquiry and instead invited them back to his home. Benjamin and I were the first two to reach the house and we took up a space on the couch beside Amun and Kebi. Benjamin pulled me onto his lap and wrapped his arms tight around my torso before resting his head on my shoulder and pressing a few light kisses to my neck.

I couldn't help the cheeky grin that appeared when I felt him press a slightly rougher kiss to my neck as a silent way of stating that I was his as he eyed some of the other males drifting around. Twisting around slightly and pressing a soft fluttering kiss behind his ear before I whispered to him," Aw is Benji jealous?" He growled softly at my teasing and pulled me closer to him with a smirk," Well you are very beautiful my love." He placed a kiss on my lips and I ran one of my hands smoothly through his hair. I smiled against his lips before we heard a throat clear behind us, well behind me and in front of him giving our current... predicament. He Froze like a deer in headlights as I turned to look at whoever was about to scold us only to see young Renesmee standing with her hands on her hips. I quickly turned around fully and smiled at her gently. She shook her tiny finger in my face and said," You two weren't paying attention, this is very important stuff you know." We both sheepishly smiled at her and replied in unison," We're sorry," the young child sighed and said," Alright, I'll let you off this time but I don't wanna see it happen again, Ok?"

The two of us nodded our heads vigorously and grinned widely at her before she walked back over to Rosalie who picked her up and rested the child on her hip. Benjamin and I tuned back into the conversation, to hear Eleazar say," When Aro wants someone from a coven it's never long before evidence turns up proving that coven committed some crime." Bella then spoke up nervously from beside Edward," So they've.. done this before?"

Eleazar sighs and answers," It happens so rarely, I never realized it was a pattern," Carlisle nodded along with Eleazar's words and continued on after it," Apparently, he always pardons one person who's thoughts he claims are repentant." Eleazar and Carlisle kept continuing each other's sentences as Eleazar spoke right after Carlisle," This person always has an ability... and they are always given a place on the guard." I looked at Benji with a slightly fearful expression, gripping onto his hand tightly.

Benjamin pulled me even closer ,if that was possible,  as we Listened to Edward state," This is all about Alice, he has no one like her." Bella continued on for her Husband," which is why she left."

There was a small silence before Emmett spoke out," Why does he need witnesses?" Yet this time to the shock of everyone, it was Alistair who answered," To spread the word that justice has been served. After he slaughters an entire coven."

Amun who had been sitting silently through the entire conversation leapt to his feet and grabbed Kebi's hand and dragging her to the door, calling over his shoulder," Benjamin, Auburn we're leaving." Edward flitted to the door blocking Amun's escape, asking," And where will you go? What makes you think they'll be satisfied with Alice? What's to stop them from going after Benjamin and Auburn next? Or Zafrina or Kate or anyone else with a gift? Anyone they want. Their goal isn't punishment, it's power. It's acquisition. Carlisle might not ask you to fight, but I will. For the sake of my family. But also for yours. And for the way you want to live."

Everyone fall's silent, gazing at each other in clear worry before Jacob stands up and declares," The packs will fight. We've never been afraid of vampires." This inspired others to standing up and declare their willingness to fight if needed. My Boyfriend gripped my hand and stood up, interlacing our fingers, I nodded to him and he said strongly," We'll join you. " "No!" Amun cried out, but Benjamin simply answered with," I will do the right thing, ,and Auburn and I stick together. You may do as you please." The rest of the Vampires step forward and declare their allegiance.

The Romanian Vampires smirk to each other, Vladmir spoke," That didn't take much." Edward quickly sent him a sharp look and said," Let's hope it doesn't come to that." This time it was Alistair who spoke," We'll see," and with those final words he stalked off.

A chill ran down everyone's spines at the uncertainty of what is to come.

There then Gone - Benjamin TwilightWhere stories live. Discover now