Chapter 12: James

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There had to be something James could do. But what, he had no idea. Thankful for his mother and sister, he asked them what he should do. Aria, his sister looked at him as he was the dumbest bear of the clan. "Easy, just go to her with some flowers and tell her you're an idiot."

Beside him Liam threw his head back laughing. He threw his friend a dead glare and turned to his mother. She just shrugged her shoulders. "She is right, sweathe...."

Before his mother could finish her sentence, his father walked in. The father of Liam was just behind him. With the look on his father's face he could tell that the meeting wouldn't be a pleasant one. His dad wore a scowl that any sane man would run away from. Everyone, but his mother. She walked up to his father to give him a hug and kiss and James saw the scowl lighten up. For two seconds. Then his dad looked at James and Liam, "My office, now!". Apparently the meeting had begon.

His sister jumped up, looking hopeful at their dad. He knew Aria wanted to come to the meetings too. His dad on the other hand didn't want to hear it. James understood he just wanted to keep her safe, but at 17 years old she was almost at age. His father couldn't keep her small forever. Unfortunately he still shook his head to Aria. James threw a look to Aria that said "I'm sorry, I'll keep you posted" and walked to his father's office.

Jumping of the chair at the breakfast bar, Liam followed him inside his father's office. The office was not far from the kitchen. Just down the hall, second door on the left. Walking in his father's office, he hoped that the meeting was short. All he had on his mind was a curvy woman with dark curly hair and blue eyes. They were different and mesmerizing.

Before he had the change to think about her beautiful light skin and her plump lips, his dad walked in. The office was an oblong shaped room, with a desk on the end of the room. On his left were bookshelf's with enough books to start your own library. But the room lacked windows. His dad decided the room did not need them, as they could use to spy on their meetings. So the room was sound-proof and no one could look inside.

His father took place behind the desk. Oscar, Liam's dad, took place left behind his father. James took the chair in front of the desk. With Liam standing behind him. "Where are Casey and Austin?" James asked in general. The top enforcers were normally also at the meetings.

His father placed some papers on the desk, "They'll be informed later. I'm not taking any changes yet". The papers were shuffled around the desk until his father found the one he needed. "We're having a problem and less people know the better".

James leaned back in his chair. If his dad didn't want anyone to know this, it was bad. He always believed the clan should know what is going on around them, as it also affects them. This decision was nothing like his dad. It looked he wasn't the only one thinking this as he heard Liam behind him saying "Damn, this is bad"

A soft exhale was heard from his fathers lips. "It is.". Even Oscar runs his hand through his hair in frustration. In the middle of the desk his father laid the paper he had in his hand.

On the paper was two pictures of young woman. To see the pictures better James leaned forward. There was something about the girls, they looked familiar. He took the paper, looking at the faces. "Wait, these are clan members". The girls were 16 and 17. He knew one of them as a friend from Aria. Her parents died by the hands of hunters, so she lived with her grandma. "Why do you have their pictures?" He looked up to his dad. Guilt was written over his face. Whatever it was, his dad was feeling guilty about.

His father placed his hands on the desk and folded then. "They are reported missing." James looked up to his father so fast, it surprised him he didn't get a whiplash. "They are missing since yesterday. Both girls haven't been seen since they left for school that morning"

"So? Maybe they are with some boyfriend of friends" James heard Liam say

His father's gaze moved to Liam for a split second before landing on his again. "They are not. Both hadn't have a boyfriend and no one heard them talking about leaving of going away to some friends."

"So you're saying they are abducted?" He asked with a little disbelief in his voice. Why would anyone abduct girls from his clan? Everyone knew that if they touched one of his clan, the wrath would be worse than anyone could ever think.

"I do. And I also know who did this." Disbelief now took place in his mind. If his father knew, they would already be at home or at least Casey and Austin would be in this meeting too. "I see your doubt all over your face, son. And I don't like it one bit." His father growls at him.

Relaxing his face, making sure there was no emotion left on it, he said "If you do, than what is the plan? And who abducted them?" He crossed his arm on his chest. Something about this didn't sat right with him. There was something his father wasn't telling him.

"Do you remember Vera, the daughter of the Alpha from the black meadow clan?". His father was referring to the girl and her mother that were in their house the day he told them about Emma's plan. The day before his disaster date with the curvy goddess. Unfortunately he and his bear remember her well. He nod at his father so he could continue on. "I don't just trust everyone that offers their daughter to someone they don't know just because he is a future Alpha. So I asked around. Apparently, their Alpha Mathew thinks they have a shortish on woman. Their clan is 80% man, 20% women, who are mostly just young kids. He has sent his daughter to different clans with a lot of women in the hope the clans could share. You were their last change."

His father looked at him with a determined gaze. He had a bad feeling to where this was going. Even his bear was pacing inside him, getting restless and looking for a way out. "I think" his father continue "that since you didn't show Vera any interes, they came and just grab what they wanted"

He didn't like the accusing tone his dad used against him. He stood and growled. "So?" He challenged his dad. It wasn't sure if it was the best thing to do, but he was agitated. "Are you even sure they got them?". He felt Liam tense behind him. It wasn't like him to go against his father.

"Almost" his father growled back. As he was just as agitated with James, as James was with him. "But we've thought about a plan, a way to find out for sure." He knew he wasn't going to like this plan. His bear told him multiple times this was a bad idea. But when his dad told him what the plan was, he almost lost it. "You're going to their land, and claim to them you want to date and thinking about mating Vera. It gives us a way in, to look around."

His bear exploded. He wanted to go to his father and punch some sense in him. Never he was this violent to his father. But the thought about seeing, touching anybody else than Jordan made it loose his mind. "I'm not doing such thing!" He almost screamed.

Liam turned to him, "Dude, let's just go and think for a second okay?". He knew Liam meant well, but it did little to calm him. His father on the other hand was furious.

"You will! This is about the clan, not if you like the bitch!" His father stood from his chair, Oscar standing close to him, just like Liam was with him. Both holding back their Alpha.

All James could think about was Jordan, how much hurt he had brought her already. He wasn't going to cause anymore. This stupid plan his dad thought of was only going to bring her more pain. And he wasn't having it!

"I don't! If you think of a plan that isn't stupid or hurt my mate, call me" he sneered to his dad. The surprise was visible on his dad face. Quickly before his dad could do or say anything more, he turned on his heels, walking out of the office. He heard Liam shout something to him, but the only thought in his mind was Jordan. He had to get to her, to tell her he was sorry and win her back. 

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