Chapter 8: James

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James sat in his car. He tugged on his tie. He wanted to goddamn thing off. His bear and him felt chained, and if there is one thing all shifter didn't like it was feeling chained. He put on the damn tie because Emma told him to wear something classy. She even gave him an angry look and pushed her finger to his chest when saying it. It scared hem to much to disobey.

He knew Emma was overprotective. He could smell the worry roll of from her. Apparently he had a date with a human friend of her. She didn't tell him anything more than that though. It irritated him she wouldn't tell more. He asked her how he would knew who his date was if she wasn't telling him anything. All she did was give him a smirk and told him in a singing voice "You'll know when you see her". He had growled at her for that. How do we supposed to know.

"Just give her the benefit of the doubt". His bear was definitely feeling more confident. He hadn't felt nervous in a long time. He knew Emma had a gift for these kind of things. What if she really did find his mate? The thought made him nervous. Was he ready? He looked so long for her, and now that the person waiting inside could be really be his mate he had second doubts. His bear wasn't having it. "You go inside and behave or I'll kick your but!"

He let out a soft growl and stepped out his car. He tossed the tie in the back. With his black button up shirt and dark jeans he found himself classy enough. Lets hope our date does to.

With a mild nervousness he walked to the restaurant. Emma took the courtesy to find the perfect spot and made a reservation for them. She picked one of the few restaurants that where owned and run by shifters. She told him it would make him feel less nervous. He was glad she chooses a place with shifters. It meant that if she was indeed his mate, everyone would give them their space.

He was greeted by an older man. From what James could tell from his smell, he was a wolf. The man gave him a small smile. "Do you have reservation, sir?". He knew the man had his guard up. Even though it was a shifter place, not every shifter could get along with a different shifter species.

He softened his features. He wanted the wolf to know he wasn't here to cause any problems. He told his bear to calm down, knowing if he spoke before his voice would be harsh and low. A sign of that his animal was close. "Yes, I'm here for a blind date. The reservations are..."

Halfway through his sentence it hit him. A scent that almost brought him to his knees. One made from Honey and vanilla. From fresh baked honey buns and spring. He closed his mouth, which was still hanging open speaking to the wolf. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He could hair his bear calm down within and left a soft growl.

James opened his eyes and looked around the room. From where, no from whom was that amazing smell. It made his pants tighten around particular areas, his bear begin the pace. His bear wanted to know just as badly.

His eyes roamed to room and stopped at the bar. There was the most beautiful woman he had ever laid his eyes on sitting at the bar. She was wearing a dress that hugged her curves just right. She was sitting with her back to him, so he couldn't see her face. But her beautiful dark brown hair hang in loose curls on her back. He was drawn to her. He knew the scent belonged to her. "Go to her!" His bear demanded to him.


"Yes, sorry." The wolf startled him. He took a deep breath and left his gaze from the beautiful woman. He looked at the wolf and handed him his jacket. "Please let my date know when she arrived that I'm sorry, but I have to cancelled it. The reservation is under ms. Miller." Without waiting for a response he took off to the bar. Like a predator to his prey.

The closer James got, the stronger the scent was. His bear was repeating the same word over and over again; "Mate". His heart was beating fast in his chest. It felt like it would explode at any moment.

When he heard her laugh, his heart skipped a beat. It was something stupid, something that would happen in a love story book. Not in real life. But it still happened.

Wait, did she laugh something about what the bartender said? Is he flirting with her? Sudden jealousy and a great possessiveness hit him hard. She was his mate. He had nothing to do with it! His bear growled in his head, ready to attack the bartender.

The bartender met his gaze, his eyes turned gold for a second. He had to calm down. The place was full with shifters like him. They would know to not touch her. Even the bartender took a step back, just from the look on his face.

He told himself to calm down. There wasn't a change he would leave a good impression. A female shifter could understand it, maybe. But a female human would definitely not! He took a few deep breaths. When the anger disappeared good enough, he took a step forward.

He heard her let out a small moan and say "This is really good". Her voice brought him to a stop. Her voice was sweet. All the nerves and anger he had disappeared.

"Focus!" He heard in his head

He left out the breath he didn't know he was holding. He had an opening and it was too perfect not to take it. "Than I would like one too" he said to the bartender before he looked at her. "And one for the lady as well". He couldn't contain his smile. She was drop dead gorgeous. Even with the shock on her face, her mouth hanging a little bit open. He wanted to say something about it, but found she was to cute looking like that.

He met her gaze and big blue eyes were looking back at him. He didn't mind getting lost in those. Shit, my eyes. He hoped he wasn't showing his bear already to her. He didn't know if Emma told her about him. He didn't wanted to scare her away, so he turned to the bartender quickly for a second to calm himself and his bear.

When he looked back, he saw she was checking him out. He let out a soft chuckle. It was definitely good for his self esteem. Her scent of arousal reached his nose. He couldn't help but feel proud that his mate was aroused by him. It was good, since she did the same thing to him.

When her gaze felt back to his, his breath got caught in his chest. Damn, she has the most amazing eyes. He knew her for a few minutes, but could already tell, those eyes would be his undoing. He held out his hand to introduce himself, "I'm James, and you?". He gave her what he hoped was his best smile. Hoping he didn't looked like a creep.

She took his hand, a jolt of energy spiked through him. Over his spine, through their linked arms. Looking from their hands, to her slightly shocked face, he hoped she felt it to. "Hi, I'm Jordan". Her lips slowly turned up, into a smile.

He knew. He knew he had to call Emma en tell her she was right again. She had found him his mate. The one thing his parents couldn't do in the last few years, she did in 2 days. And his bear and he couldn't be more thankful.


So I just decided I like the longer chapters more than the shorter ones. I hope you guys are okay with that, as I'm planning to make them longer from now on :)

Same as the last chapter, please let me know about any grammar or spelling mistakes. :) And leave a vote if you like the chapter :)

BTW, on a total different note. Did you guys here the new Mary Poppins music? The movie isn't released here yet, so I have the music on non-stop. I just love that kind of music, do you? :D 

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