Chapter 9: Jordan

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She couldn't help it. Whatever she tried, Jordan couldn't wipe the smile from her face. All because of the handsome man across from her. James was his name. Dark brown hair, green eyes, strong jawline and a muscular body. He looked if he walked right off the CQ cover. He looked liked Jordan's kryptonite. Sounded like it too! With a deep voice, she was hypnotized by him.

They'd talking for a bit, and he seemed really nice. He kept smiling at her, which had one of those panty dropping effect. It didn't help the case off the missing panties that he was flashing those green eyes to her every change he had.

A sudden pinch of guilt crept into her. Here she was, having a great time with a guy she didn't know, waiting for her date she didn't know. She had a small hope he wouldn't show up, so she could spend the rest off the evening with James. She truly hoped he wasn't waiting for a date either.

A sting of jealousy replaced the guilt. She quickly shook her head. No, she didn't know James. There was no way she should felt jealous. Than why does my chest hurt when I think about him with another?

James brought her back from her thoughts. "If I may, you look beautiful in that dress". A glistering was in his eyes. It wasn't the first compliment she got from him, but it still made her blush. Something about the guy made her do that.

"I don't know" She waved her hand, as if it dismayed the compliment. "I really do love the dress though". A smile crept on her lips. She really loved the dress. It made her feel sexy. But she never receiving compliments about it, if you don't count Emma. Which Jordan didn't.

"Well, I do". What? She turned her gaze to him. To see a grin on his face. And was he blushing? He was! It was just slightly, but she saw his cheeks turn a little pink. There was more behind the man with all the muscles and green eyes than she thought. It made her smile. "Any man would be lucky to have such beautiful woman as his company". She turned her gaze to her hands, not wanting him to see her blush again. It seemed like it was the only thing she could.

He put his fingers under her chin and made her look at his green eyes again. His mouth opened to say something, but was interrupted by the man from the foyer.

"Miss, I'm sorry to inform you but your date wanted me to tell you that he's sorry, but he has to cancelled it." The man gave her a sympathetic smile before he gave James a hard look and walked away.

A sudden shock washed over her. Her date cancelled? She watched the man walking away. And he didn't even had the balls to tell her self. Anger raced through her, which was replaced with sadness. How did this keep happening to her? The luck she had on the dating field was lower than zero. Even with Emma's help.

"Are you okay?" James said. Her attention snapped back to him. At least she had some company.

"My blind date cancelled. It's nothing" but inside Jordan was hurting. Was there something wrong with her? She didn't heard or saw her date. How could he cancel without meeting her? She put a string from her hair behind her ear. She shouldn't think badly about the guy. Maybe he was a doctor and had to safe someones life? Of he had a meeting running late?

"Wait, you're waiting for a blind date?" James asked. He straight his back, putting some distance between them. Great, now she scared her company away. "Don't tell me Emma put you up to the blind date"

Emma? "Yes, she did. Why?" A bad feeling crept up to her. How did he knew Emma? He wasn't her blind date was he? Because he was here, and her date cancelled.

He gave a small laugh, which made her look up to him."I think you're my blind date". The statement was a clap in her face. He was her blind date, why did he cancelled it? "Emma put me on a blind date too tonight. She didn't tell me your name or anything so I didn't know". He even had the nerve to say it with a smile.

"Why did you cancel?". Her blood was boiling. She was confused, but even more angry.


"Why did you cancel? If you didn't know who your date was, than why did you cancel". She closed her eyes, her hands were in fist on her lap. She needed to know before she threw her drink in his face.

He smiled with a bit embarrassment to it. Good! He should! He put his hand behind his head and rubbed his neck. The confident man before her disappeared. "Well, I know you don't know why, but when I saw you I didn't care about any date. I just knew I wanted to talk to you, get to know you" He let out a small sigh, and moved his hand to her.

She slapped them away. This guy really dumped her, his blind date, because he didn't care about her? Just because he saw a woman he was interested in? What if he saw someone more beautiful then her. It wasn't as if that wasn't possible. Any woman she saw in the restaurant was more beautiful then her. The only different was that they were all with someone.

She wanted to yell at him, threw her drink at him, push him from his chair. But all she did was standing from her chair, saying "You're an asshole!" And walked away.

The man at the foyer must have heard something because he was standing with her coat in his hand and a soft reassuring smile on his face. "Thank you, sir" and she took her coat from him before storming out.

She had to leave the restaurant before anyone could see her tears. She didn't want anyone on the street too. Just wait till you're in your car Jordan. Or wait till you're home. She didn't want to cry at all, he didn't deserved it. She didn't know the guy, why did it hurt so much? It wasn't as if he was the first guy to be an asshole to her. The difference was, he truly seemed nice and interested in her.

In a record time she was home, fifteen minutes later. She threw her car door close with more force than necessary. Not that she cared. Walking into her building she pushed the elevator button. Luck was on her side for once and the doors opened immediately. When she reached her floor she dialed Emma. She had the right to know what an asshole her date was.

After the second ring Emma answered just as she opened her front door. "Jordan? Shouldn't you be on a date?" Emma's voice brought the tears she was fighting all the way home. Jordan couldn't help it. She cried and couldn't stop. Emma picked op quickly, turning her voice to an angry one. "What did that bastard do?"


So the first date turned out to be a disaster. How would you guys react if you were in Jordans shoes?

Please let me know about any grammar of spellings mistakes :) And leave a vote if you like the chapter 

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