Chapter 10: James

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James was frozen in shock. He just saw his mate walk away just before she called him an asshole. It was the last thing he thought would happen was that. He ran his hand through his hair, thinking about what he could have done wrong. He wanted to run after her and ask what he did wrong

"She is not wrong, you know" he heard behind him. He spinner around to see the bartender casually cleaning glasses. He scowled at him. What did he know about it. "And you're an idiot"

He bear wasn't content with the bartenders behavior. He wanted to grab him at his collar en drag him over the bar. He growled before the bartender said to him "you know, for not chasing her".

He wanted to slap himself. Of course he was an idiot. He threw some money on the bar and murmured a thanks to the bartender before he ran outside. If he was lucky he got the her before she was gone. Unfortunately for him he was unlucky. He couldn't find her. He smelled her scent to the parking lot, but the place where it ended was empty. He run his hand through his hair. How could this be happing?

"Because we are idiots" his bear huffed in his head. He had to do something. Someone had to know where he could find her. A light bulb went off in his head. Emma!!

He raced home to his apartment. In record time he was home and was banging on Emma's door. "Emma open up! I need your help!". He was desperate and if it meant Emma screaming to him he would take it.

He banged again, but before he could say anything her door opened. "No! You're an idiot!". His jaw fell down. Emma stood before him, the anger rolled of her, her brows and lips in an frown. He didn't expected this.

Before she had the change to throw the door in his face he slammed his hand to the door. "Come on Emma. I need your help!". She couldn't let her best friend hanging like this, could she?

She scowled at him. "Tomorrow! Tonight I have another friend to comfort." He dropped his hand from the door. Emma's word slowly registered in his head. Jordan was hurt. And he somehow did it.

"Idiot" he heard Emma say before she closed the door. He stood there for a close door for a few moments. There was nothing he could do, but wait for tomorrow. Emma was the only one who he knew who knows Jordan. He walked to his own door. If he had to wait, he best take a few moment of rest and sleep a few hours. If he ever could sleep knowing he heard Jordan, his mate.


I know, I know. It's a really short one, I'm sorry!! But I had to chop this chapter in 2 and I really wanted to give you guys an update. And since the chapter isn't really finished, I chopped here *please don't hate me*

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