Chapter 6: Jordan

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Jordan gave Emma a sceptic look. "What are you up to?"

Emma faked a surprise reaction, her eyebrows shooting up. If Jordan wasn't worrying about what she had planned, she would have laughed at the sight. It still was kinda funny she thought to herself. Emma placed an hand on her chest and said to her "who? Me? Why would you ever think that I'm up to something?". Emma could barely contain her serious face and a small grin took place on her lips.

She huffed and rolled her eyes. If there was one thing Jordan knew, was that the look on Emma's face meant trouble. "Come on, Emma. I know you!" She said, faking annoyance herself. She threw Emma a smile, like she would ever say no to the brilliant ideas of Emma. They had brought them as much trouble as laughter, and that was a lot!

Emma sighed, knowing she could see right through her. "Fine, but first let me ask you something" she said while gesturing to the chair opposite on her. Jordan hesitantly took the chair and shoved it back so she could sit on it. It must be some hell of a thing.

Emma was fidgeting with the pen that laid on her notebook a few second before, probably thinking about how to start. "Are you happy?". Jordan was in a small shock with that question. Of course she was happy! Well, if she could change some things, she would definitely do it. But that didn't meant she was unhappy

"Of course I'm. Why?" She asked Emma, a deep frown formed on her face. She had no clue what was happing.

"I know you happy" Emma said with a sigh, rolling her eyes. "You've got me!" Throwing her hands up a little, a big smile on her face. Knowing it was a joke, she let out a snort. With Emma as a friend, there was never a dull moment.

"Yes, and I'm very happy with you" she said without barley containing her laughter.

"I meant are you happy single?" Emma said with a small smile. Jordan bit her under lip. Yes she was happy and single. And happy single. She didn't need a man to live her life happy. But having someone to share her happiness with.... she wouldn't say no to that.

At the age of 32, she wasn't exactly where she hoped she was. Back was she was younger she had made a 15 year plan. With a marriage when she was 25, and her first kid at 27. Having her own coffee shop, working together with her hot husband (of course he would be hot!). The last one she got half right, turning her fathers bakery in a part coffee shop.

But the marriage and kids thing, not so much. For that she needed a man. And not just some guy. No a guy who would love her as she is and support her. She thought it wasn't much to ask for. Well, apparently she thought wrong. All her boyfriends didn't except her, in mind and looks. She was an woman who spoke her mind and didn't like to be told what to to. Her ex boyfriends on the other hand, loved telling her. It left her with being 32, single en getting a half point on her 15 year plan. She had tossed the plan in the garbage a long time ago. All the plan now contained was being happy, so far so good.

She left out a sigh. "Of course I'm happy" she gave Emma a small smile before she looked at her hands. "I mean, I wouldn't mind having someone to share my happiness with". Thinking back at her boyfriends she wandered if there was a guy she wanted like that in her life. "But I'm seriously starting to doubt if there's any guy who I want to share it with". She wrinkled her nose. "I prefer staying single forever, than having a guy like one of my exes"

Emma waved her pen under Jordan's gaze to get her attention. Emma gave her a sweet smile when there gaze met. The smile was full with love and hope. "And what if I choose the guy for you?" Jordan had heard about Emma's sixth sense in match making. It had brought perfect couples together. Could she do that for her? It was worth the try wasn't it?

With a little hesitation, she said "what've you got in mind?"

So, I just wrote this chapter. It's 00:48 am, so sorry if there are any big grammar or spelling mistakes. I just had to write this chapter and I really wanted to share it with you guys!

I have a few busy days a head, but I'm trying to upload the next chapter really soon! Pinky promise! 

P.S. If see any mistakes, please let me know! And if you want, please vote :)

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