You Belong With Me

Start from the beginning

-You look beautiful.-Mario whispered to me when I stood next to him.

-Thank you.

-You're welcome.

The wedding ceremony went by perfectly,I was a little bit nervous,but I survived.The celebration after the wedding was also great and full of surprises.

-Jen?-I turned around as I was standing on the balcony of our new-bought house.The house was really big and it had a large terrace and garden,so we had the celebration there.I was on the balcony,as I said,looking at the stars,alone,with a champagne glass in my hand while others were downstairs or in the garden,and I saw AK standing there with Christina Anne in her hands.

-AK,hey!-we hugged.We decided to leave the past behind us and move on like normal people.-I'm sorry,I didn't knew you were here.

-It's okay.I just wanted to congratulate you and wish you all the best.

-Thank you.

-What are you doing here alone?

-I..Just needed some space and some..Uhm...Time alone,I guess,

-Everybody's looking for you downstairs.

-I'll be there in a minute,I promise.

-Is everything okay?


-Come on, let's go.People are waiting.-I left my champagne glass on the fence of the terrace/balcony and took AK by the hand. We celebrated all night long.

Everybody was there,from families and friends,to teammates,coaches,distant relatives,etc.

Suddenly,while I was dancing (I changed into a formal,blue dress because I couldn't move in the wedding dress),Mario took me by the waist and pulled me closer to himself.

-Enjoying the party,Mrs. Gotze?

-Absolutely,Mr. Gotze.-he gave me another glass of champagne and took one for himself,then Marco Reus decided to make a toast.

-Attention,everybody!I just wanted to make a toast for our beautiful couple,our newlyweds Mario and Jennifer Gotze. Jen,you have no idea how you make this man happy and you need to know that he loves you more than anything. Welcome to the family. Bro,take good care of her because you could lose something this special.You're just an amazing couple and the perfect two..For the newlyweds...Cheers!-Marco was really special.

-Cheers!-everybody yelled lifting their glasses and taking a sip of their champagnes.

-I love you,Mrs. Gotze.-Mario whispered to me.

-And I love you...Forever,until death tears us apart.

-'Till infinity,my love...-we kissed and everybody was applauding.

By the way,the honeymoon was great,we were in Madrid for a week,I loved it there and so did Mario.I will never forget that.


We were still moving into the house we bought in Munchen. We wanted a new start so we sold my dad's house and Mario's place and we bought a beautiful,big house that fulfilled all of our requests.We were choosing the bedding,the tables,the TV,the bed together.We wanted our house to be perfect for both of us and our children.


Nine months later came the first baby..Her name is Marina Gotze and she looks just like Mario.He was so excited when he found out I was carrying his first child..Our first child.He was just excited to finally meet her.He was the best father ever,he took good care of her and our two other children:Elena Jane Gotze and Mario Jr.

Mario loved playing football and he and Mario enjoyed playing together in the yard. We made two goals and bought footballs so they could play all day long.

Marina played the piano and sang perfectly so she soon became a famous singer,Elena Jane loved writing and poetry so she continued with it,and Mario Jr. became a football player at Borussia Dortmund and his best friends and teammates were Tobias Reus and Peter Brommel-Renke (AK and her husbands's son).They were like brothers. Of course,Marina loved spending time with Christina Anne,too,they were really close friends.


The present time:

We're so proud of our children.We have the most amazing kids anyone could ever have.Even now,when we're old and married for over 35 years,we still remember every moment of our lives.Love is infinite,we always taught our children.Our love survived.True love always survives.

Now we're here,in Munchen,living our dreams together with our three angels.We found the place we belong at and the people we belong with.And I know now,you belong with me,Mario Gotze.

Somewhere We Belong // Mario GotzeWhere stories live. Discover now