Yukine's Route 2: Pledge

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You just finished your job involving an argument between a couple and you giving love advices to them while also slaying the ayakashi they created. You heaved out a sigh of exhaustion as you walked by the riverside. It's usually quiet around here during this time since students only pass by here after their classes.

You don't have anything to do right now after watching all of the anime in your list. Riku doesn't want to be bothered and Yato is stalking Hiyori again so you also don't have anyone to tease... well except one.

An intense, bitter-sweet aroma made it's way through your nostrils. You glanced at the blooming cherry tree where Yukine and his friend, Suzuha, used to hang out. You were surprised to how it is growing again and wondered who is taking care of it and there you saw a young blonde haired boy covering the tree's trunk.

Yukine wiped his sweat off after finishing Suzuha's usual work. He grinned cheerfully while looking at the seedlings he planted. "Anytime soon that girl can return again, Suzuha. And by that time, the flowers would have probably bloomed too."

"Carrying Suzuha's last wish, eh? That's quite kind, Yukine-kun." You suddenly appeared beside him. "Suzuha-kun's lucky to have a good friend like you."

"(Y-Y-Y/N)?!" He screamed in surprise as if he saw a ghost and toom a few steps behind away from you. "W-what are you doing here?"

"Oh well, I just happened to pass by-"

"Are you telling the truth?" He suspiciously looked at you.

After what you did while tutoring him, Yato banned you from entering upstairs during Yukine's study session with Hiyori. "Oh come on, Yukine-kun~ Do you hate me that much? I promise I won't do it again."

Suspicion hadn't left his eyes yet so you just sighed in defeat.

"After risking your life for Yato and becoming his hafuri, you've done a great job, Yukine. I'm actually surprised to be honest. Seeing that you were a thick-headed brat before, I thought it was hopeless for you to remain as Yato's loyal shinki but you proved me wrong. You changed for the better and now became that idiot's examplar." You smiled sincerely. "You've made everyone proud, Yukine. Especially, me."

His reddish eyes staring right at your (e/c) ones. Suspicion replaced by tears of joy.

"Y-Yukine-kun! Did I said something to make you cry?!" You ran to him about to wipe his tears off when he shoved your hands away.

"I'm not sad, (y/n). In fact, I am happy. If not because of you, I certainly wouldn't have changed. It's all thanks to you." He said while wiping his tears away. "And in exchange, I pledge to protect you at all times. So if you ever have problems, don't hesitate to ask for our help."

Your smile grew wider as you locked eyes with him. "Sure, Yukine-kun. I'll be sure to rely on you."

He looked at his feet, hiding his blushing face. "(Y-y/n). Can I ask you something?"

"What is it?" You asked him.

"I-It's a little embarrassing but don't laugh, okay?" He quickly glanced at you before you nodded in reply. "You see, (y/n), everytime I'm with a certain someone my heart keeps on beating fast, my face heats up, my hands are getting sweaty like Yato's which is gross, and I keep on getting nervous. What does that mean, (y/n)? I don't know why that happens but... it's bothering me."

You giggled at his expression. "You can't stop thinking about that person too, right?"

He nodded. "I don't remember a time not thinking about her."

"You're in love, Yukine-kun." You answered. "You're in love with that person."

"Love, huh?" He nodded before he jumped in surprise. "DID YOU SAY LOVE?!"

"Mhm. Mhm. L-O-V-E. Love." You spelled out. "That thing teenagers nowadays are dreaming about."

"IT CAN'T BE!" He's face flushed deep red. "Well, she's kind, nice, might be gentle but maybe no, she's fun to be with and-"

"You're freaking out, Yukine-kun~" You muttered and then leaned to whisper in his ear. "I guess now you're madly in love with her~"

He zipped his lips before asking you again. "Have you ever fell in love, (y/n)?"

You climbed towards the cement road. "Let's go home, Yukine-kun. Yato and the others might be looking for-"

"Answer me!"

You smiled once again but this time it is a fake one. "The last time I did... he died."

Yukine stared at your silhoutte as the two of you walked back home. He thought of your answer earlier. "The last time I did... he died." Admiring your presence, he wanted to embrace you so tight just for you to forget your painful past.

But no one can replace the person you first loved and Yukine knew it. You loved Haku, the young man who changed you just like how you changed the boy. In spite of knowing this, he pledged to protect you and make you happy.

This boy pledged to win you and your love.

Another Stray God [Noragami x Reader]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant