Chapter 14: Back Home

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"(y/n)!!!" Yato's voice was the first thing you heard after you just arrived at Kofuku's house. He charged at you and hugged you so suddenly.

"What the f- Get away from me, you tracksuit-wearing bastard!" You pushed his face away from yours but he still continued on rubbing his face onto yours. "Get off me! You reek of sweat!"

"(y/n)-chan! It's good that you're back!" Kofuku also joined your little group hug.

You rubbed the back of your head to hide your embarrassment as Yukine, Hiyori, Riku, and Daikoku also joined in. "Ughhh. You guys."

"What is it, (y/n)? You're being bashful now?" Daikoku teased you and messes your hair.

"Sh-shut up!" You hid your blushing face with your hand.

Reo, on the other hand, just stared at all of you while drinking his tea and sitting on the floor. "They look so stupid."

"Heh~ Don't tell me you also want a hug, four eyes?" You teased him with a playful smirk.

"Ehh? He does?" Kofuku asked innocently, appearing behind you.

"Huh?! Get away from me, you perverted gods!" The young man said as he backed away from you.

"Then give it to him!" The three of you pounced at him on Yato's command.

Reo blushed as he saw your cheerful face and muttered. "Idiot."

You chatted with them for a while, talking about what happened these past few days you were gone. Now that your shinki is back, you can finally do your job. You turned to Yato and asked. "Yato, have you already considered about Hiyori-chan's request?"

"Cutting ties with her, you mean?" Yato rubbed the back of his head. "She refused."

"Eh? Really?" You asked him and turned to Hiyori. "Why did you refused, Hiyori-chan?"

"W-Well, it's because I want to stay with all of you." She said while slightly blushing.

"Especially with Yato?" Your teasing made her face redden even more. 'Heh~ So someone finally noticed that jerk's charm, huh?'

Kofuku and Daikoku swooned at her reaction. "Way to go, Hiyorin!"

"But are you sure about this, Hiyori-chan? You might be caught on our troubles in the near future. Is that fine with you?" You asked her.

"I'm sure. I want to be with all of you forever." She retorted which made you giggle.

"What about you, Reo?" You turned to the jet black haired man with glasses.

He looked away, avoiding your gaze. "I'll think about it."

"Think about it? You were desperate about getting (y/n) back the other day so that she'll be able to do your request and now you'll think about it?" Riku smirked at him. "What's with the sudden change of mind, loner-san?"

Reo raised an eyebrow at him. "I was just thinking that no one would take care of you if you're injured since you're also alone and dependent on your master."

The two of them created a tense atmosphere while they glared at each other. You decided to interrupt their little staring contest and put your arms on both of their shoulders to lighten up the mood. "Stop fighting, will ya? Since the both of you are loners, why don't you just befriend each other?"

"No way!" They disagreed in sync.

You sighed. "Why are the two of you so stubborn?"

Yukine came to you with a shade of light pink on his cheeks. "Uhmm. Can you help me study these next two weeks, (y/n)? Hiyori is going to have her entrance exams next week so no one's going to help me."

You nodded cheerfully in agreement. "No problem, Yukine-kun. When are we going to start?"

"If it's fine for you, can we start tomorrow?" He asked shyly.

"Fine then." You patted his head.

Your ringtone, which is the opening song of (f/a), suddenly played from your phone, telling that you have a call. You answered it after seeing the caller's name, Kazuma. "It's rare for you to call, Kazuma~ What's up?"

"I'm just wondering if you're free this week, (y/n). Well, are you?" His deep voice spoke from the other line.

"Heh~ Are you hitting on me, Kazuma-kun~?" You teased him in a playful tone.

"T-That's not it. I only have something to discuss with you." He stuttered, flustered at your statement which made you giggle.

"Calm down. I'm just joking. Is Friday morning fine for you?"

"Y-Yeah." He answered.

You smiled, looking forward to meet him. "It's a date then~ See you on Friday, Kazuma~"

"H-Hey! As I told you, it's not like that!" You heard him shouted from the other line before you ended the call while chuckling.

"Is that Kazuma, just now?" Yato appeared beside you. "And did I just heard the word 'date'?"

"I was just kidding him. He only wants to talk about something then he was flustered when I told him it was a date." You laughed, thinking about Kazuma's reaction. "But it wouldn't be bad to date Kazuma. He's what you can call an ideal boyfriend after all."

"Hey, do you like Kazuma?" Yato suddenly asked.

"Of course not. The truth is I actually pair him up with Bishamon." You cocked your head to the side. "Why did you ask?"

"I-It's nothing." He retorted and then stared at the floor. "Going on a date seems fine too."

"Then why not ask Hiyori-chan? The two of you are pretty close, right?" You asked.

He mysteriously smiled at you and said. "I want to go on a date... but not with her."

"Huh? Just what do you mean?" You frowned, thinking about Hiyori's feelings for him. 'I guess one of my ships just sank.' (but of course it's sailing on the manga *squeals*)

"It's nothing, you dense weaboo god!" He turned away from you and pestered Daikoku instead.

You went outside and stared at the bright morning sky, letting your (h/c) hair follow the wind's movement. 'We're back to the peaceful days again, huh? I wish it'll always be like this.'

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