3 • Of Closed and Open Doors

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YIN was still laying in bed, a bit dazed

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YIN was still laying in bed, a bit dazed. Is the universe playing with her or something? She smirked a little while running the scene last night in her head. The chances of seeing the cheery barista in Theo's condo was so slim and yet there they were, again. She can't remember the last time she thought of a guy. Now she thought, come to think of it Ranger is rather cute. Very much her type. He looked cheerful and friendly despite looking like a total player. He has the friendliest eyes she has ever seen, yet this cheeky look on his face every time he smiles. Except last night. The spark in his eyes was missing. And Yin missed it.

Theo got out in the shower and noticed her whimsy look. "Hey. What's wrong?"

"Oh, nothing." She said passively.

"Do you need a ride to class?" He asked, rummaging through his side of the cabinet for clothes. Yin was partly daydreaming. He called her out again.

"Oh, y-yeah, wait for me. I'll be quick." Yin said, landing back on earth as she jumped off the bed, got her stuff and ran to the bathroom. More daydreaming, it seems.

She remembered his gaze. She might have melted right then and there. But his sad eyes, they pricked her heart a little. Was he mad about the umbrella thing? She didn't even remember his friend's faces except the tall, gorgeous girl with ombre blond hair. She was always in the coffee shop too. The other two were just loud and chaotic as per her memory. Most of all, she was stunned to see him again.

"Yes?" Yin asked as she opened the door when the door bell rang. It must be our dinner, she had thought last night.

Instead there were four people in front of her door. Two giggling strangers, a familiar tall, gorgeous girl and Ranger, who she has been meeting unexpectedly all night.

"Sorry! We got the wrong door." The giggling short girl said and proceeded to the elevators. Yin looked at them blankly. She was confused at what kind of situation was happening then. Half of them were giggling, the other half looked apologetic and embarrassed. They walked to the elevators except Ranger who kind of lingered a bit.

"Sorry for the disturbance. Good night." Ranger said, looking at her with his hands in his pockets. He paused, like there was more to say to her. But decided not to. He shook his head and followed his friends. Yin managed to utter "okay" before he walked away. Just in time, the elevator doors opened and in they go. Ranger didn't even look back. He tried with all his might not to. He didn't even try that hard to study for his exam earlier. Yin was left standing there in confusion. She didn't know what to feel.

There was knocking on the bathroom door and Yin was knocked back to her senses. She finished her shower quickly and got ready for the day. Much to her brother's annoyance.

* * *

"We'll be sleeping at home, right? After dinner at Poppy's?" Theo asked as they were getting out of the carpark. He was calmer now that he had his dose of caffeine. He went for a quick coffee run at the cafe while waiting for Yin to get ready.

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