14 • Of Lovers and Fools

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RANGER heard his phone beep and checked his messages

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RANGER heard his phone beep and checked his messages. It was Globe but he also had an unread message from 3h ago. That was during dinner. They were now having a chill beer sesh while watching a romcom movie. The two loudmouths were asleep in between him and Winnie though.

"Hi! Coffee this week?" The message read. It was from Yin. His heart leaped then sank right away. He wanted to reply so bad but he realized his promise to himself, unbeknownst to his best friend.

"Who texted you?" Winnie whispered from the far end of the bed.

"Uh, Yin." He answered absentmindedly.

"Yay! Reply to her now." She insisted, obviously forgetting about Ranger's commitment earlier.

"It's fine. It's not urgent." Ranger said, realizing what he has to do. He needs to fulfill his commitment no matter what.

"Range." Winnie said in a nagging yet sweet voice. "What's going on?"

"Nothing, Wins." He said, locking his phone and focused on Anne Hathaway on the screen. But his mind was on someone else.

"You can't fool me, you know. I know what you're up to." She sighed.

Winnie knew that Ranger was trying to avoid Yin for her sake. For some stupid reason that she didn't know of. Maybe he felt guilty about something, she thought. Classic Ranger to prioritize others before himself. Winnie was certain that he was doing this for her. And she didn't like it.

Ranger's eyes stayed on the screen. He was afraid to look at Winnie and confess everything. Possibly unearth all his secluded feelings and thoughts. Only Winnie can make him bare all his insecurities and emotions. He used to like it but not today. Today he was fixed on making it right to her. And in order to do that, he needs to sacrifice his own happiness. Yin.

"It's nothing, Wins. I swear." He said, finally glancing at her. Winnie's heart melted, and not in a good way. She feels touched that Ranger loves her to the point of making himself suffer, but at the same time she hated it. She doesn't want to see her best friend sacrifice his happiness for her. He deserves the world. Suddenly Winnie is so frustrated at everything.

"Hey, don't cry." Ranger panicked. Winnie was looking at him all teary eyed and began to cry. She covered her eyes and went out to Aria's living room. Ranger followed her.

"I'm so tired, Range." She confessed as Ranger wrapped her into his arms.

"I know." He comforted.

"Please don't be unhappy for my sake." She said, looking up. Tears were still flowing on her face. Ranger was trying so hard to hold in his own tears.

"I'm not." He lied.

"Stop it. You know I know you better than you know yourself." Winnie snapped. Ranger was caught off guard. But he knew Winnie was right.

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