15 • Of Nostalgia and Nuisances

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YIN was still annoyed when she woke up and immediately checked her phone

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YIN was still annoyed when she woke up and immediately checked her phone. No messages from someone she's expecting yet there was a message from Andres. She was glad to read it though.

"Are you free today? Coffee? ;)" it said. It triggered Yin a bit when she read coffee. Well, at least someone wants to have coffee with her. Ugh, unlike someone else, she thought.

Yin replied with "How about lunch? Bringing Theo with me." She feels like it would be awkward if it was just the two of them. Besides, it's not like she has feelings for him already. Or was it because someone was still occupying her head (and heart, God forbids)?

Andres agreed to meet the Palmas for lunch (or brunch for the other two) and suggested this all day breakfast place that's near his place. Another thing Yin had to be grateful for was the suspension of her classes. Well, some of them anyway. There are still a couple of exams this week but most professors are cancelling classes for rest and relaxation. Thank you, profs. Hence, both Yin and Theo were still at home, lodging lazily at their shared home.

"Did Dad call you?" Theo asked her as soon as she got out of the room. He was on the couch browsing through Netflix. She flopped lazily beside him and let the fleecy couch hug her.

"Yup. He said you're not answering. We have to pick the bed later. Dad said Mom told us to get one today and not a day more. I can't believe she was able to turn it around." Yin sighed. They might be getting another bed but it feels like there is a price to pay—not literally. In short, it backfired.

Yin remembered back when they were young, their mother always did this. Growing up, she realized it was because she was a great lawyer. Or probably it was the other way around. She was a top notch lawyer because of her superpower, as teenager Yin called it. She can get away with anything. Nowadays it's called gaslighting. Yin knew it as their mother's parenting.

She was a sophomore in high school then. It was her first promenade and naturally she was thrilled to go. Of course her mother didn't approve at first. But when she did, Yin had to abide by her rules. Her mom chose her dress (it was fancier and fluffier than she would prefer but it was fine) and everything else. She also had a curfew. Oh, and Andres had to take her. Which was really weird because she went to a coed school. Bringing dates was unnecessary. But her mother made it happen. She always does.

"It's because of you and your big mouth, Yngrid." Theo replied mockingly. Yin hit his face with the cloud pillow.

But if they were being honest, both of them were looking forward to another bed. Yin can have it placed in the second room that currently houses their extra clothes and excessive stuff.

"Anyway. Since classes were cancelled today, let's meet Dad later after our brunch with Andres. And we need to sort out our stuff that we need to throw or store at home." Yin continued.

"Great. But, what brunch with Andres?" Her brother squinted. Theo is still unsure if he likes where things are going between his sister and her match made in heaven.

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