"Where are you? Outside?" The man questioned. "Can you see me right now?"

"Yeah, we can see you. You're, uh, surrounded by walkers. That's the bad news."

Marlee couldn't help but wonder what the good news of this situation would be. After her eyes crawled around the scene, there really was none.

"There's good news?"

"No," Glenn replied bluntly.

"Look, whoever y'all are, I don't mind telling you I'm a little concerned in here."

Marlee let out a laugh. She would be a "little concerned" too if she were in a tank with dozens of geeks piling onto it.

"Oh, man. You should see it from over here." Glenn let out a shaky breath. "You'd be having a major freak-out."

"Got any advice for me?" He questioned.

"Yeah, I'd say make a run for it."

"That's it? 'Make a run for it'?"

"My way isn't as dumb as it sounds. You've got eyes on the outside here."

Marlee got closer to the radio and spoke, "He's right, we can help you. I'm gonna be honest though, your chances are pretty slim. But you've got help here. That's a hell of a lot better than trying to get out by yourself."

After the radio went silent for a moment, the man replied. "Alright. I'm listening."

"Okay, so there's one geek still up on the tank, but the others have climbed down, to- well, eat your horse." She spoke quickly, something she did quite often when she and Glenn were in sticky situations. "You with me so far?"

"So far."

"Good, alright- alright," she took a breath before continuing. "Okay, the street on the other side of the tank is less crowded. If you move now, while they're still distracted, you stand an actual chance."

Glenn asked quietly, "He got ammo?"

"Do you have any ammo?" Marlee repeated.

"In that duffel bag I dropped out there, and guns. Can I get to it?"

Marlee's eyes darted around the street frantically in search of the bag. They could use the extra weapons. Their group could use the support, and she and Glenn needed any protection they could get on runs. But when she saw it, she shook her head. There was no way they could get it. "Uh, forget the bag, okay? It's not an option. What ammo do you have on you right now?"

"Hang on." The radio went silent for a moment, and the two heard shuffling in the background. "I've got a Beretta with one clip, 15 rounds."

"You better make 'em count, alright? Now, jump off the right side of the tank, and then keep going in that direction. There's an alley up the street, maybe... 50 yards," she guessed. "We'll meet you there."

"Hey, what are your names?"

Before she could open her mouth to respond, Glenn grabbed the radio, "Have you been listening? You're running out of time."

"Right," the man mumbled before the radio went silent.

"Right," Marlee repeated before she and Glenn bolted upwards. They had to meet him there soon, or he may not make it.


The two scrambled past familiar passages, their feet pounding upon the concrete they had traveled on many times before. Marlee adjusted the axe in her hands, handling it with ease from her experience as a firefighter. Glenn eyed the weapon from beside her. "Careful where you swing that thing," he joked as they sprinted towards their destination. Marlee shook her head with a short laugh before flinching at the loud pounding sounds that echoed through her ears.

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