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Marco, of course, blabbed about the date to everyone, so inviting Ryo over for a family meal was inevitable.

Veronica of course already knew Ryo and found the fact Rachel went from hating to dating amusing. Her mother and sister-in-law were quite excited at the prospect of getting to meet him, but her male relatives were an honest pain. Marco, of course, found the opportunity a wonderful time to tease Rachel and hoped to tease Ryo as well. Lewis, of course, felt Ryo was taking advantage of his younger sister, but her father was worse. "You weren't serious about all the others."

Rachel went on dates back in high school with some of her guy friends and some of the guys who asked her out. Lance of course always referred to them as her boyfriends because he always assumed that going on one single date made the two people boyfriend and girlfriend. She'd gone on so many different dates with guys that Lance unfortunately at times referred to her as a slut because he was also of the misconception that was what a girl who'd dated a lot of guys was.

Of course, Lance went on quite a few dates himself. In his mind, he'd a dozen girlfriends who all dumped him, but he decided the reason was because the other guys were jealous of him. The reality was none of the girls wanted to date him after the first date. Rachel heard from some his gaze would wander, or he'd act possessive. The fact he'd constantly text or call after the date never helped. He'd always run off to their mother and cry about getting dumped again but act as if it was never his fault.

According to Lance, nothing ever was his fault.

Then there was the stark contrast between her and Ryo's two cultures. Even before she started dating him she knew her Cuban culture was loud compared to what he was used to, yet she also saw Ryo's nervousness grow as the date for meeting her family drew nearer. He kept looking out nervously at the landscape passing by the windows of the limo he rode in with Rachel, Veronica, and his agent.

He'd spoken to her about worrying if his host gifts would be deemed appropriate. Rachel told him he didn't have to follow the Hispanic tradition of giving a host a gift only to find out that was one tradition between their two cultures which were the same, but Veronica also told her he would be in a lot of trouble if he didn't bring a gift to something planned like this yet didn't go into detail

When the limo arrived the first two greet them were, of course, Sylvio and Nadia who was excited at seeing the limo. For some reason seeing her nephew and niece made Ryo relax, but he left them to climb right into the limo while Veronica reminded the two, they needed to remain on their best behavior. He handed each the wrapped presents meant for the children in the household.

Nadia's eyes widened at seeing a set of cute little bear figurines. "I've never seen these before! Where did you get them?"

"From Japan." Ryo smiled at Nadia. "I made the mistake of asking a group of my female acquaintances for advice on what to get, and they ended up sending this."

"Why was it a mistake?" Nadia grinned at him. "They're adorable!"

"Well, I'm not sure you'll understand what I mean when I say they're self-merchandising here."

Nadia, of course, didn't seem to care and simply started counting the number of bears. Sylvio frowned at his gift, then look up at Ryo. "A transformer?"

Veronica let out a sigh. "Sylvio..."

"It's not a transformer. It's a Gundam. I would have gotten the model kit, but all of the instructions are in Japanese."

"What is a Gundam?"

"What is..." Ryo let out a laugh. "Transformers wouldn't even exist if it weren't for Gundam. It was Takashi and my favorite series growing up, but I'm sure he introduced Keith to it as well. It's why Takashi wanted to become a space piolet."

Gemini, Touch the Sky (Voltron: Legendary Defender Fanfic/ONC Entry)Where stories live. Discover now