Ending Everything

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"Why me?" Ryo let a sigh into his cup of tea. A week or so passed since he spoke with that young woman, yet he couldn't get her out of his head.

"What's the matter?" The sound of Ryan's voice made Ryo let out a groan of annoyance. While Ryo succeeded in avoiding the girl, he didn't know the name of he found himself unable to avoid Ryan and James. Ryan inserted himself into Ryo's life by checking in on him even though that job belonged to Ryo's agent. James came with Ryan on his visits declaring his intentions of making sure Ryan didn't overstay his welcome.

"Don't tell me you're still mooning over that girl." James glanced away in irritation.


"It's an English term for constantly thinking about something."

"I've never said I'm thinking about her. I don't even know her name." Ryo shook his head. In the back of his mind he knew this was a lie, but what bothered him honestly wasn't the fact he couldn't get her out of his head. Ryo never explained how he came up with his newest songs, yet the flow a few days ago simply stopped.

It felt as if his connection with Keith were cut off, yet mentally he wondered if this had anything to do with the fact he was indeed falling for a girl he didn't know the name of. The song Gemini, Touch the Sky reflected him wanting to reach out for Keith, but also the distance between them created from the fact his brothers were in fact galaxies far away.

His other songs, of course, were inspired by the dreams he felt were connected to Keith, yet these dreams stopped and in the back of is, mind Ryo blamed his distracted mind. Sometimes he chided himself about assuming the dreams were about what his twin experienced out there, yet there he was sitting at the kitchen table in Takashi's apartment waiting for both to come home.

"In latest news..." Kinkade picked up his phone and glanced through his alerts. "Pretty much the same old, same old you know. They are wondering why you've not made a public appearance despite being super supportive of the efforts. People are of course saying this is all a publicity stunt, but we've seen the craft they're working from and Matt Holt's supposed to arrive today with some of the rebels. Actually, I think they have arrived. We just haven't seen them yet."

"You know, you're not my agent."

"He certainly acts like it. Speaking of which..." James leaned up against the wall. "Where is that agent of yours?"

"Good question." Ryo continued looking at his tea despite the fact he knew the answer.

"So you don't know the answer to James' question?"

"Nope. I know the answer." The sound of the doorknob turning on the entrance to the apartment made Ryo glance up. "That should be him now. And you're right. Matt Holt's already arrived."

The door opened and a rather chipper young man with light brown hair came in. The looks of surprise on both James and Ryan's faces were honestly amusing, but Matt's golden eyes twinkled in amusement. "Oh. You guys are here." Matt pointed his thumb at James. "I get making friends with Kinkade, but Griffin? He's the kid who picked on Keith."

"I've admitted as much." James pushed himself away from the wall. "We should be..." He stopped speaking when an alien with yellow skin and purple eyes stepped into the room. She in some ways reminded Ryo of the aliens from Star Wars who had attachments to her head which looked like hair. She was followed closely by another Alien with purple skin and a robot.

"Oh my!" The alien hurried forward. "You look just like Keith." She looked up at the purple-skinned alien. "Rolo. He looks like the red paladin, doesn't he?"

"Isn't Lance the red paladin now?"

"Is he? I thought the colors were based on the color of their suit, not the color of their lion."

"Guys. This is Nyma, Rolo and Beezer." Matt tilted his head towards the door. "Ryo, could you possibly take a walk with me in the memorial gardens? I kind of need to tell you some things, but not in front of other people."

"So aliens do exist." Ryan seemed aptly distracted by the presence of Nyma and Rolo which allowed Ryo to stand and leave, but before he left he turned to his agent. "Be sure to be a proper host to our guests."

Ryo grabbed his hoody and followed after Matt. Despite hiding his face, they still attracted a lot of attention, yet this didn't surprise Ryo as nobody had seen Matt since the Kerberos mission failed. The cadets and other members of the garrison were too into their work routines to do more than say hello. Eventually, they arrived at the memorial garden and Matt took a deep breath. "So..."

Ryo leaned up against one of the railings and glanced down at the memorial placard which didn't belong to those on the Kerberos mission. "If you're worried about me still being pissed at Takashi and hating Keith, I was an idiot."

"That actually makes my news even harder."

"What?" Ryo turned his head.

"We lost contact with Voltron."

Ryo felt his entire body tremble as he turned to look Matt in the eye. "What..."

"I'm not saying they're dead, but it's also not like them to lose contact with us."

Ryo took a deep breath. "What are the chances..."

"Slav would be better at predicting the chances than me, to be honest." Matt took a deep breath. "I'd say they're more likely to show up alive than Keith."

"Wait." Ryo shook his head and looked at the ground. "Why would you say that?"

"Keith of late seems to have some kind of death wish but has been doing some really dangerous things with the Blades. More importantly, the Blades lost contact with Keith before we lost contact with Voltron. Again, I'm not saying he is definitely dead, but you should prepare yourself for neither one coming home."

"That's not right." Ryo's throat tightened. "We didn't – I didn't get the chance to make amends with them. They deserve that much."

Matt let out a deep breath. "I'm sorry. I still felt you should know."

"I..." Ryo swallowed. "I would like to be left alone for a bit."

Gemini, Touch the Sky (Voltron: Legendary Defender Fanfic/ONC Entry)Where stories live. Discover now