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How she managed to find him, she didn't know.

In all honestly, Rachel chalked everything up to dumb luck, particularly with the rumor she'd overheard in the cafeteria that the garrison was keeping him under wraps. She found him visiting the memorial garden set up for memorializing fallen heroes, but to provide a place of tranquility for soldiers healing from their war wounds. Most of the cadets avoided the place as most didn't know anybody who was memorialized or because they didn't know an injured soldier personally.

The youth were blissfully unaware of things such as war, but perhaps one of the reasons Rachel found herself there was because she knew Lance might end up being one of those memorialized there. Of course, she may have gone there in hopes of calming down. Any thought of calming down flew out of her head when she saw him leaning over the railing looking at one of the memorial plaques.


The young man flinched upon hearing her voice but took a step back. Rachel didn't hesitate in walking over and poking him in the chest hard.

"Who do you think you are?"

The young man of Japanese descent glanced away nervously. "What's your problem?"

It was at that moment she caught sight of his name badge. Instead of having her anger satiated she felt it grow more. Even his picture ID didn't contain his real name. "What the hell?"

She flicked his badge which in turn made a slight noise of plastic being hit. She saw his body tense up and chanced glancing up. She saw his face twist in anger but then felt his hand grab hers and pull it away from his identification badge. She could understand why the girls went crazy for him as he had a rather handsome face, and yet Rachel still felt irritated that he was manipulating the situation for his benefit. "What the hell is your problem?"

Rachel pulled her hand away and poked him in the chest but aimed for the badge. "This. Our family is worried sick about my brother because he is out there with this Voltron fighting and we don't know if he will come back alive and you're monopolizing the situation for your own personal gain! You have no idea how we feel."

She watched his eyes widen in surprise, but his facial features soften. He pulled away and returned to leaning over the railing. "What is your name?"

"That is none of your business."

"I guess not. As far as your concerned I couldn't possibly know what you're going through, right."

"That, but also the fact you've not revealed your real name. You're hiding behind that pop idol persona of yours." She watched him glance up. "Why didn't the garrison issue you a visitors badge which had your real name?"

"Originally they did."

Rachel felt her mouth twist, but her temper was reaching the boiling point. Her hands clenched into fists. "And then the song you released is a romance song."

"Romance?" He looked up at her. "I don't do romance stuff, at least not yet. Gemini wasn't about romance at all. Are those listening really thinking that was the case."

"So you're going to make this about you as well?"

"Seriously." The pop idol took a deep breath. "Look. If you really want someone to take your frustrations out on, go ahead and take them out on me."

Tears welled in Rachel eyes and her mouth twisted as she attempted holding back the pain she felt. She pulled back her hand. She wasn't sure if she was going to slap him or slug him. When someone grabbed her wrist her hand formed a fist. Someone from behind her spoke. "Ryo, leave."

Her entire body trembled as Ryo's eyes narrowed. "I don't know you. Who..."

"Just leave. The last thing the garrison needs is another incident involving you."


"Just go. I'll handle this."

Ryo continued looking at the person behind Rachel in confusion but proceeded to leave. When Ryo was gone and Rachel was unable to follow after the person let go of her wrist. She turned towards the cadet who grabbed and lashed out at him verbally. "Who are you?"

"James Griffin. I overhead the entire conversation."

"That entire conversation was none of your business."

"I'd say Ryo's involvement in all of this is none of your business."

Rachel felt her chest seize slightly. "None of my business! My brother is out there!"

"Okay, so maybe it is kind of your business." The young man went to the railing and looked at the monument there.

"Well, it certainly isn't any of yours." She walked over and noticed the memorial was the one erected for the failed Kerberos mission. Nothing had been done regarding the memorial despite the knowledge all three men were alive.

"Which one's your brother? I know it's not Keith, so is it Lance or Hunk?"

"Are you trying to hit on me?"


"Lance. Lance is my brother."

"That moron?" James let out a sigh. "Well, I guess the temper really runs into the family. I mean, all of the cadets know not to get on your sister's bad side. Lance though..." James' mouth twisted into a frown. "His was unjustified."

"Are you saying my anger is unjustified?"

"No." James turned to look at her. "That said, I overheard you say Ryo couldn't possibly understand how you feel, but that's actually not true."

"Oh? What would you know about that?"

James looked away. "It's not my place to say."

"I say this is none of your business, but what is your interest in my brother?"

"I'm not interested in your brother. The person I'm interested in is Keith."

"Oh? Were you his rival or something?"

"Yes." James let out a sigh. "Worse, I was one of the many cadets who bullied him because he was the best, but also because Shiro showed him favoritism. That said..." James turned and looked her in the eye. "The person who bullied Keith the worst while he was at the garrison was your brother Lance."

Rachel found herself swallowing and glancing at the ground. "Why did you..."

"I'm giving you fair warning. Eventually, the public will learn the names of the cadets who went missing. It's only been a few days so far, so it hasn't been leaked, but I'm dreading the day it does as all the baggage those cadets had are going to come out as well. Probably long before they get home, and that will get eaten up. You should also be worried about it coming out as well rather than worrying about how Ryo's slighted you personally when he really hasn't."

Rachel pushed by him not wanting to hear any more.

Gemini, Touch the Sky (Voltron: Legendary Defender Fanfic/ONC Entry)Where stories live. Discover now