"Woah, woah, woah!" Darry said, standing up from his recliner when he heard the ruckus. "What's going on? Where's the fire?"

I slammed the door closed and we all peered out the window to see the cop approaching the road. He didn't see us get into the house, so he slowly drove down the street trying to spot us running through lawns or between houses.

"Nothing." I let out my breath. "I think we are safe."

"Okay." Darry didn't sound like he believed me. "Hopefully you didn't do nothing stupid."

Candy and Red shot me a glare, knowing full well that I did do something very stupid. I didn't look them in the eye, instead I rubbed the back of my neck and took a bite of my melting ice cream cone.

"Yeah," I rubbed the back of my neck, "I try to use my head."

"At least you try." Darry rolled his eyes. "Pony don't even bother."

"Oh," Candy replied softly.

We had no idea what to say to that. Darry has really been on Ponyboy's ass recently. No matter what Ponyboy does, it's never good enough for Darry. It's always been like that I guess, but Ponyboy has been more vocal to me about being upset about it. It's just hard because Pony is trying his best, but he still gets in trouble.

"Do you kids got homework or something you should be doing besides running from the fuzz?"

"I got work," I told him.

"Red and I could work on our school work," Candy said.

"You best be doing that, and don't be going around and getting into anymore trouble, you hear? I won't be able to bail the three of you outta jail," Darry said.

"We won't, I promise," Candy stated.

Darry eyed us coolly before he sat back in his recliner and got back to reading his book.

We had been there so long, that Darry let us take their parents old room instead of sleeping in the living room. Their bed was big enough for the three of us to squeeze on every night. Sometimes, Red likes to sprawl out so I always let Candy take the small space of bed she is allowed and I take the floor.

I ran into our room and changed into my DX shirt. By the time I got out to the living room to leave, Red and Candy were already at the dining table doing their homework.

"Where's everyone else?" I asked.

"Johnny and Pony are out lollygagging around town, Bri and Two are probably with them, and Steve and Soda are at work. I'd have to guess that Dally is at Bucks," Darry answered without looking up from his book.

Yesterday, Ponyboy was leaving the movie house and he got jumped by some older Socs. They pulled a blade on him and cut his face a bit. Darry got mad at Pony for going around by himself so now he wants us to use the buddy system when we walk around town.

"Okay," I mumbled as I buttoned up my shirt. "I'm gonna head to work, I'll see you later,"

"Drive safe," Darry said to me as I got to the door.

"I will, bye."


I closed the front door behind me and hesitantly walked to my car. I looked every which way, and luckily, the cop was long gone. I jumped into my car and left the neighborhood as quickly as I could.

I drove to the DX, and today I got to restock all the shelves. It was kind of boring, and business was slow anyways. Work was always a little boring but at least we got to pass the time by talking to each other.

The Outsiders: Before My Time Part IIIWhere stories live. Discover now