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•The above image is not mine, and belongs to the artist, if you know who that is please tell me.

Anastasia's POV

"First rule, no powers." My loving great aunt demands this woman in front of me completely different than the one that greeted me at breakfast. "I don't want to see a light show, I want a well trained warrior that upholds the techniques of an Amazon." For a second I allow confusion to flash through my eyes, but I quickly shake it away but not before Antiope sees it.

"I understand your confusion Anastasia, but these powers you have been gifted with are a shield, a warning sign to enemies. Not every situation needs to be blasted away or electrocuted, like when you're fighting loved ones who are being mentally controlled." I tug at my white chiffon awkwardly the armour plated against my chest tight and restricting unlike my usual armour.


"You no longer remember how to properly fight without relying on your fatal powers."

"That's not..."

"Do you dare finish that sentence that contradicts what your superior is saying?" She asks but she's not mad instead she's challenging, giving me a chance to correct my actions before she actually reacts. So I breathe in deeply shaking my head gripping the sword and shield a little tighter after that.

"Besides you lack knowledge in archery, equestrian, and swordsmanship skills all Amazons must master. Skills you never got the chance to do." She explains and she swiftly picks up her own sword.

"You want me to fight you?" I ask trying my best to keep my face stoic and free of any surprise, but her playful smirk tells me she's seeing through me. "Of course my dear, to understand your strengths and weaknesses properly I must feel the full force of them."

She lunges at me with no further explanation, and I barely block her with my own shield. She's pressing down the pressure forcing me closer to the ground, and I roll using my shield as a shell to block any further attacks. I stand back up my leg hooking around her knee in a kick as our swords clash.

Slashing through the air I try my best to keep my movements fluid but not soft. I duck under her sword turning around myself to attack her again only for her to block me. I go to strike again but her hand snakes under me latching onto the handle of my weapon swiftly stealing it from my grasp.

I'm quick to retaliate however and I knee her in the gut hard enough for her grip to loosen on my sword. However instead of dropping it soars through the air landing behind a rock. I plant both hands on the rock and dive over it, but it's barely in my hands when a strong mysterious force knocks me down so I collide with the rock.

"That wasn't completely terrible." Antiope jokes reaching a hand out to help me up. "So what now?" I ask actually smiling because that was absolutely exhilarating, and maybe it's because that's what I was designed to do. Even if I hated fighting my body would still betray me because it craves it.

"Now we focus on strength training, by the end of this you should be able to take down any opponent I throw at you." She states and I solemnly nod picking up my sword readying it.

"Well then, let's go again."

Anastasia's POV

It's officially been three months since my return to Paradise Island, and while my experience has been tiring and stressful I've still enjoyed myself. I wake up when the sun is barely cracking through the horizon and I run around the island a few times slowly increasing my speed, but I wish I was doing it with Wally. He would run ahead of me and taunt me for being slow which would encourage me to go faster, but here I am all alone.

Savior~ A Young Justice FanfictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang