chapter 10 (sticks and stones)

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"So are you sure Marisa took this video of you?" Mr. Martin asks both me and my sister.

"With all due respect Mr. Martin, but Katy saw Marisa filming her with her own two eyes" my sister says with her big sister voice.

"I think that I can handle this Alexa" I say putting my hand on her shoulder.

Mr. Martin shifts in his seat so that he can look at me better and he leans his elbows on his desk. "So, Katy did Marisa really take this video of you?" he asks.

I nod my head. "Yes sir" I reply.

"And I'm just curious. Did Marisa also spread that horrible rumour about you last year?" he asks.

I nod my head slowly.

"Well, in that case, would it be okay if we call her down so that I can explain the punishment to her?" he asks.

"Yeah that's fine" I reply refusing to look up.

At that moment Mr. Martin calls Marisa's name down on the speakers to come down to the office immediately. I can only imagine the amount of fear that she could be feeling. Probably none. I know that this isn't exactly what we planned yesterday but if it means that she finally gets in trouble for what she's done to me, I'm all for it.

Within about two minutes she comes storming into the office and instantly I feel a little bit of fear, but mostly I feel annoyed that it took so long for her to get what was coming to her.

She sits down in the chair across from me and my sister. As soon as she sits down I expect the rapid-fire name calling.

"You're a loser and a freak. No one's going to believe you" she spits.

I can tell just by looking at my sister, she's resisting the urge to punch her across the face. But before she can do that Mr. Martin de-escalates the situation.

"Yes people will believe her and she has two other people who said that you're the one that sent that video out to everyone" he replies.

"Just because she has only two other people saying that I did it, doesn't mean that I did it" she counters.

"Really? Well, it's pretty hard to prove that it wasn't you when it was sent out on your Snapchat account and that we have surveillance video of you taking the video" Mr. Martin replies leaning in closer to Marisa showing her the footage.

At that moment both of Marisa's parents enter the small office and they take a seat on either side of her.

"We came as soon as we heard what happened" I hear her dad say.

"Well there's been reports that your daughter has been bullying Katy since the beginning of high school" Mr. Martin says to her parents.

I look up to her parents and I see her mom's beautiful blonde hair and her dad's brunette hair slicked back. "For even longer than the beginning of high school" I add.

Marisa shoots me a look. I shrug it off because for once in my life I've won and not her.

"And your daughter took a video of Katy and posted it on all social media platforms" Mr. Martin says to her parents who already look pretty shocked and hands them an Ipad that has the video on it. "And further proving it, we also have surveillance footage of Marisa taking the video"

Her parents look even more shocked than they were before. I can't take it anymore. I can't be silent.

"May I add that she also spread a rumour around online and in school that I was suicidal and that I had been slashing my wrists for over a year" I say staring her down.

Loving KatyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon