Chapter 5 (First Time For Everything)

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Finally, it's Friday, and Alexa and I have the day off from school. That also means that I'm going out tonight. Jake said that the movie was at nine-thirty tonight. I asked him what movie we were going to see but he said that it was a surprise. I still can't believe that he of all people asked someone like me out on a date.

I skip down the hallway almost not being able to contain my joy. The smell of French toast and maple syrup washes over me like a blanket, and I see that Alexa's already finished her plate.

"Good morning Katy," my mom says with a smile.

She knows that Jake asked me out when I told her yesterday she was a little surprised but soon warmed up to the idea and said that it would be fine if I texted her the details of where we were going.

He hasn't said much about where we're going. The only clue that he gave me was to dress warmly, and that gives me the hint that we're going to be outside. Though I haven't told Alexa, she's bound to find out before I leave.

I finish my plate of French toast and bacon within minutes. Alexa rests her elbows on the cold marble and sighs. "So, Katy do you want to go shopping today?" she asks.

I almost jump at the opportunity to go downtown with my sister. "Absolutely, you're talking to me," I say.

She laughs to herself. "Okay, if you get dressed quickly then we can get downtown before it gets crowded," she says.

I nearly jump out of my seat and run upstairs as fast as I can. The door to my room swings open and Roxy who was sleeping shot up like she had just heard someone break into the house. I race over to my dresser and find my white t-shirt and black distressed jeans, and a black leather jacket, Alexa opens the door to my bedroom making me jump.

"There's something called knocking you know," I say.

She walks over to my desk and sits on the white chair. I lift my white V-neck shirt over my head and race over to my vanity to apply a small amount of makeup.

"Katy did you take your medication today?" she asks.

I did take my medication but sometimes that doesn't stop me from having some form of a mood swing, but this isn't a mood swing. I've not been able to calm myself no matter what I try.

"Is there anything wrong with being happy?" I ask.

"Well no, but the only times when you're this happy is when it's your birthday, or if you forgot to take your pill" she states.

Now I know she's on to something because she saw me take my pill this morning. I guess now I don't have a choice on whether or not I tell her about Jake.

I sigh "You know Jake Crawford?" I ask.

She looks at me confused. "Yeah, he's one of the best piano players in the school" she replies.

Uh-oh, here it comes. I sigh "Well he asked me out tonight," I say.

She jumps out of the chair so fast that she nearly knocks it backwards. "What?!" she exclaims "Why didn't you tell me this before?"

I slump my shoulders and tilt my head "I was going to tell you earlier, but you gave me no choice" I say.

"Well then we must get going," she says and takes my arm and pulls me out the door


We get off the subway at Queen station. The cool air and sound of the bustling city hits me like a breath of fresh air. I look around me and see the tall business centers and the CN tower that makes up the city-scape of downtown Toronto, and as always, most eyes are on my sister.

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