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"What happened?" - Finn entered the storage room as Sophie sent him the message to meet her there.

Still kneeling beside Davina's body, her face smeared with tears, the witch now turned to the Original vampire.

"I had to. She was going to give Kol over to Vincent and - I - oh, dear mothers, what have I done? I have to bring her back."

Like in a trance, Sophie got all serious and stood up, turning to Finn.

"Take her, please to the yew tree tomb. I will be there in a bit. I need to go to the house." - Sophie said.

Finn took the young witch's body and before swishing out of the storage room said -

"You can blame this one on me."

"It will not be necessary."- Sophie said- "Go now."

The Original nodded a little and disappeared out of the place like a wind. Sophie sighed and got out herself, now rushing to the Mikaelson compound as fast as she could. 

Inside the Rousseau's, Camille wondered where the witch was and now asked the other bartender to cover for her. 

"What's up?"- Rebekah picked up on her lover's worried face.

"Sophie has been gone for a long while. Ahm - Davina appeared."- Camille replied. 

"Right. Let me go and see. You stay. If something is up - it is better if we deal with it."- Rebekah now walked to Kol, who was at the pool table. 

As the blonde Original mimicked to her brother to come along with her, he moaned a little-

"What now?"

"I will tell you on the way."- Rebekah said taking the cue from the Original.

"Can't even have one night of peace."- Kol muttered, following his sister out of the bar. 

The neighbourhood and the street of the French Quarter were bustling with people, and there was no sign of any supernatural trouble. But they both knew better and now called the Deveraux witch, who was already on the way to the cemetery.

As Sophie had left her phone in the bar, she was not answering, but Camille did.

"Damn- she left her phone at Rousseau's"- Rebekah sifted and looked at her brother worryingly.

Kol now dialled his brother's number. 

Responding to the call, Finn now told his siblings that he was at the St. Louis Cemetery No.1.

A few seconds later, Kol and Rebekah stood in front of the yew tree tomb, not believing their eyes, as they now saw Davina Claire's lifeless body on the ground. 

"What happened?"- Kol shouted as he knelt down to his ex-lover.

"I - had to - I am sorry."- Finn now said and Kol jumped up charging at his brother, taking him by the throat -

"You did this?! You bastard - I will rip you apart"

"I had to -she was going to give you over to the LaRue witches." Finn shouted back at his younger brother, and twisted him around now holding his arm around his throat-"I could not have that."

"What are you talking about?"- Rebekah wanted to know, crushing between her brothers, pulling them apart. 

Finn now sighed a little and looking Kol straight in his eyes -

"Davina colluded with Vincent. She was going to give you to them, to take your magic and kill you. I could not have that. I swore always and forever - isn't this what it is about? That we protect one another and our family no matter what? ISN'T IT?"

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