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"You?!" - the witch now said as Elena stepped out from the shadows.

"What?" - Elena looked at woman equally surprised.

In New Orleans

"There is nothing we can do, Kol

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"There is nothing we can do, Kol. Unless, you want to send all of them like lambs to the slaughter" - Rebekah said.

"I agree with Rebekah" - Sophie said-"we end this with killing Freya, but as you know she linked herself to Davina. And our hands are tied- for the moment."

"You could bring us from death  but you can't undo this shit spell?" - Kol was fuming.

"No. Because to do this I need an Original witch, so that I can channel the old magic, and there is none to be found. And even if we find  one, we  need the doppelganger's blood and the blood of a tribrid " - Sophie explained with a sigh.

"And the doppelganger is dead, same as our niece. DAMN! FUCK EVERYTHING!!!" - Kol vamped out now.

"Calm down!" - Rebekah now yelled at her brother.

"I hate this Status Quo!" - Kol continued to fume-"is there an end to it? Are we forever going to live this nightmare?"

"I am sorry, but this moment there is nothing we can do."- Sophie said.

Kol now stormed out of the living room, out into the night

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Kol now stormed out of the living room, out into the night. Rebekah followed him.


In Nova Scotia

"You are the witch. Wow."- Elena said looking at the woman in her late twenties, dressed in a crimson floating dress, with eyes clear as the brightest day, glistening with warmth and goodness,  and yet somewhat exhibiting caution. The witch looked more like a fairy from a Tolkien saga, curls of her ash blonde hair falling loosely on her shoulders. She commanded a flair of calm in her demeanour.

"Yes, I am the witch."- Rissy Drake said-"you expected someone else. Well, she put a good word in for you, but Zee is not who can help you."

"So, you will help us?"- Elena said.

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