Chapter 7

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Today Hiccup and I decided to fly to some islands that me and my sister went to before we met the gang and we all needed a bit of a brake of each other after what happened yesterday with the dragons going wild because of the Grimoras and so everyone is taking a full on brake but this time at The Edge, well except for Pixy, Hiccup, Toothless and I.

"Is this better then what happened yesterday?" I asked Hiccup from my right shoulder smiling at him. "Yeah and is this island peaceful unlike the one from yesterday?" he asked and I noded in reply. "Yeah, my sister and I go there every time we get away from hunters or just to rest for a few days. Basically it's like a home for us." I added then look forward to see and island up ahead. "There it is!" I said pointing at it as we got closer.

We soon landed on the island, it's peaceful yes but something isn't right because birds would be chirping and you could hear dragons calling to each other once in a while. "Sis, I don't like this." Pixy said feeling the uneasiness and I nodded in agreement. "What is it (Y/N)?" Hiccup asked and my guess he and Toothless noticed it as well because it's so quiet, too quiet.

We started to walk on the island and all of us on our guards. Soon we made to the cave that Pixy and I call home and we see that it's a mess like someone was looking for something but there is nothing there except for the bed, Pixy's bed and the fireplace but the floor was dug by some kind of dragon and the walls are also dug but it was from human. As we looked around more I noticed something different in this cave then I never noticed before.

I walked over to it and noticed that it's the crescent moon with the star in it like my dream! As I put my hand on it, a white glow came from the crescent moon, it was so bright that we all have to cover our eyes. "(Y/N)." A voice said my name and I slowly open my eyes to see some kind of white figure standing there. "W-Who are you!? W-Where are we!? Where's my sister, Toothless and Hiccup!" I asked and scared that something bad happened to them.

"Don't worry they're all ok and you will know who I am in due time and as for where we are, you don't need to know." the white figure said and it sounded like a female and her voice is so sweat like a mother's talking to their child. "What do you want then?" I asked now a little curious. "(Y/N), you are destined for great things." the woman said as she touched my right hand that I remember touching the symbol with with, when I looked down I see that they symbol that I touched on the wall is now on my hand and I looked at it shocked that it went from the wall to my hand.

"This will help you to your true power to what you were born for this, for generations." the lady said and I'm know even more confused then before. "What do you mean 'you were born for this, for generations'?" I asked. "You will know in due time." She said leaving me with more questions then before.

I start to look around as the lady started to disappear. "Wait! I still have so much questions!" I said trying to run after the lady but instead I tripped and fall into the blackness.
Hey guys! Phoenix here! Now I know it's been five days since I did a chapter but I've been really busy and this book is a bit short and left off at another cliff hanger and I finished my homework at 11 o'clock at night but I didn't want to leave you guys hanging any longer so I went ahead and make this chapter for you guys. But good news that spring brake is coming up soon for me and I'll be able to do more chapters and reveal a few more secrets about (Y/N)'s past. Other wise thank you for readying and have a good day or night! Phoenix out!

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