Field Trip Part 1

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No warnings! Proceed!

Peter grasped onto the straps of his backpack, struggling to keep ahold of the weight of its contents.

In his backpack he carried his usual supplies, folders, books, etc. But the one thing that made a difference, is the small yellow permission slip that was tucked into his folder.

That small price of paper not only seemed to weigh down his backpack, but also his mood as he trudged down the sidewalk to his apartment.

His school out of the hundreds in New York was selected to have an all paid tour at the Avengers Compound, and Peter reacted to this about as well as you expect.

As he opened the door to his apartment a wave of smoke hit him, he quickly fanned his face and scrunched his nose up to the smell.

Looking into the kitchen Peter was not at all surprised to find May fanning smoke frantically out an open window.

When both May and Peter made eye contact, Peter held up his phone.


Slinging a towel on her shoulder May nodded, the relief showing on her shoulders.

"Take-out" she confirmed, nodding her head desperately.


"Tell me what's wrong," May asked setting down her sandwich, Peters eyes darted from his food to May.

"Ugh, Nothing is wrong." He replied setting down his fork. "Everything is just dandy,"

"Agh, now I know you're upset. Fill me in bud,"

Peter sighed defeativly,

"Well we have a field trip tomorrow, our whole school really. But our class is going tomorrow."

"That's great! I don't know why you're upset about this! I thought you liked field trips?"

"I-I do!" Stammered Peter while fiddling while his sleeves, "I do, just guess where we are going,"

At the cock of Mays head and her questioning eyes Peter answered for her.

"The Avengers compound! And guess who's in my class! Flash! He won't leave me alone about it, he's gonna do something stupid then-"

May set a comforting hands on Peters arm,

"I think you're just over thinking it, you'll be fine." May stared at Peter, she seemed to inspect every part of his face for any sign of discomfort before adding,

"Now, why don't you bring me that permission slip. I know there is one."

Peter sighed, dropping his lifted hands into his lap.

There was no getting out of this.


"Ned, please, just shut up." Peter groaned, rubbing the sides of his face attempting to ease his incoming headache.

"How do you expect me to shut up as we are pulling into the Avengers compound! Did you know that the avengers lived here at one point?" Ned rambled in awe, while practically crawling on Peter to get a better view of the tower.

"Believe it or not yes, I did know that. Will you get off me now?" Peter replied while shoving his best friend off his lap.

"Come on Peter, how are you not excited?"

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