Spider-Man afriad of Spiders?

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Tony nudged Peter, who was asleep on his lap, awake as the credits rolled on the TV screen in front of them.

"Come on kid, bed time. Aunt Hottie will rip me a new one If her Spider-Baby isn't asleep and with a warm bottle."

Peter shifted his head slightly
"No' a spider-baby." He mumbled

A fond smile crept over Tonys lips as he carded his hand through Peters soft brown curls.

"You're right!" Tony gasped with fake enthusiasm.
"You were promoted to spider-boy when you showed me your singular chest hair."

Peter lifted his head and gave Tony the most annoyed glare he could produce in his tired state.

"There were multiple, at least three."

Tony let out a bark of laughter as a tired grin slid over Peters face. He flopped his head back down in Tony's lap and Tony couldn't refrain a eye roll.

"I'll push you off kid,"

Peter let out a noise that seemed to be halfway of a growl and a grunt. Tony raised his eyebrows at it.

"Not sure if that was suppose to be intimidating. Wouldn't matter anyway, your aunt scares me more than any of your exotic noises."

Peter just grunted in response,

"Kid, my legs are going numb. It must have been all the goddamn lucky charms you ate."

Peter lifted a hand and lazily hit Tony in the face.

"That's it kiddo, you asked for it."

And without any warning he slid both of his hands under Peters back, he flipped the kid off him and watched with an amused grin as he tumbled to the floor.

Peter, who seemed to more awake, pushed himself off the ground and glared at Tony.

"I can feel my legs again!" Tony fake cheered. Throwing his hands in the air for a more dramatic effect.
"what a miracle!"

"Hahaha," Peter laughed unenthusiastically, still glaring at Tony.
"You could have at least warned me"

" I did...ish"

Peter just rolled his eyes.

"Anyway! Since you're out of bed I suggest you walk your little spider-boy feet to that amazing bed I got you."

Tony watched as the thought of a bed passed through Peters mind and couldn't help but laugh as excitement lit up in his eyes.

"I'm only going to bed cause I don't want to get thrown on the floor again. Not because I'm tired-"
Peter cut himself off with a yawn that seemed to shake the whole room.

Tony raised an eyebrow, a grin playing at his lips
"Yep, not because you're tired."

"Not at all," Peter repsonded as he walked towards the hallway that led to his room.

"Goodnight Mr.Stark!" Peter yelled,

"Goodnight kiddo," Tony responded more to himself, the grin had never left his face.

Tony looked at the TV, he could officially watch anything he wanted. Like, something other than Disney movies. It's not that he didn't enjoy them, it's just that he's watch so many of them he could sing every Moana song word for word

a yawn cut through Tony's throat

Ok, scratch that. He was going to sleep too.

Tony heaved himself off the couch with an alarming amount of clicking in his bones, he had never felt more old in that moment.

He stocked down the hallway and pushed open the door to his empty room, pepper had a meeting in Hong Kong and wouldn't be back until next Monday.

Tony pulled on some comfortable clothes and climbed into bed. But before he could even get a wink of sleep Peter burst through his bedroom door. Eyes wide and frantic while clutching a blanket.

Tony nearly jump out of the bed and sprinted to the kid.

"Hey, Hey! What's wrong are you hurt?"

Peter shook his head quickly, a bit of a red hue hinting at his cheeks.

"I-it's Nothing, can I -uh- sleep with you? For tonight?"

Tony frowned deeply at the sudden calm Demeter

"Did you have a nightmare?" Tony asked putting his hands on Peters shoulder in a attempt of comfort.

Peter shook his head quickly again, the red on his cheeks increasing ever so slightly.

"No, no. Nothing of that sort. Can I please just sleep in here?"

Tony just stared at Peter. Peter hunched over at his gaze and brought the blanket around his shoulders.

"There's a spider in my room," he mumbled.

"A what?" Tony asked peering closer to the teen.
"A spider," Peter mumbled again slightly louder.

"Ok kid, you're going to need to speak up my age is catching up to me,"

Peter threw us head up, his face now bright red and his hands clutching the edges of the blanket.

"There's a spider in my room!"

Tony stared at peter once again, taking a couple seconds to process what had been said. Soon, Tony let out a bark of laughter. If it was possible, Peters face grew more red.

"A spider? Why don't you just call, I don't know, spider-man to go get rid of it."

"It's huge Tony! It's all furry and brown-"

"So what you're trying to tell me is that Peter Parker, Spider-Man, is scared of spiders?" Tony asked through small fits of laughter.

Peter threw his hands up, his blanket falling mercilessly to the floor is a small heap.

"Yes, ok! I'm scared of spiders! Can you get it now?"

Tony straightened himself out and gave Peter a look before answering.
"Will you go to sleep if I do?"

Peter nodded his head vigorously,
"Yes, you won't hear from me anymore. Quiet like a mouse."

Tony, satisfied with Peters answer, nodded.

"Ok kiddo, show me the way."

"Actually," Peter piped in.
"Could you go first?"

"Ok, should I also tuck you In spider-baby? Want me to heat up some milk?"

Peter fumed in silence, Tony laughed and ruffled his hair.

"Only joking kid, now. Let's go get that spider."
"I can't see it Peter cause it's so small,"

"It's not! It's huge! All hairy and everything!"

"Did it ever cross your mind that you're just- oh, oh SHIT."

"I told you!- it's, it's coming towards us Mr.Stark,"

"Get behind me- you know what, I'm just gonna get behind you-"


As Peter and Tony slammed the door shut and commanding F.R.I.D.A.Y to bolt the door shut Tony dragged his hand down his face with a groan.

"You think the Black Widow will get it?" Peter whispered looking at the door with wide eyes.

Tony cracked a grin.

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