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Slight description of an oncoming panic attack, don't read if it will harm you in any way. Stay safe:)

"I got a building dropped on me"
Peter could hear the sound of multiple tools dropping and clanking to the ground, then a squeaking of wheels rolling before Tony popped out from underneath a car he had been working on. His face pale and his eyes brows risen to his hairline.

"You, WHAT"

"I had a building dropped on me," Peter repeated, but this time a lot more Sheepishly suddenly regretting ever mentioning it.

"Yeah no shit, I heard that part."

Peter bit down on his cheek as he continued to fumble around with the gadgets in front of him, he knew he had to tell Tony sooner or later. Rather later than sooner, but he hadn't expected to say it now. The words kind of just tumbled out of his mouth on their own accord.

"Are you going to elaborate on that topic or do I need to watch it for myself?" Tony Growled, the anger not directed at Peter but rather at the fact he had kept it from him.

"You can't watch it, I wasn't in my suit." Peter replied keeping his head low, using all of his strength to keep his eyes from meeting Tony's panicked ones, he didn't understand why he was filling such an emotion. He was fine, well. Physically at least.

"What- why- Peter- what the fuck?"
sputtered Tony as he gaped at the teen beside him.

Peter throw on a humorless smirk and lifted his eyes to Tony.

"you took it, remember?"

Tony stared at Peter, the gears in his head kicking into action. Peter could see as the recognition dawned on the mechanics face.

"Toomes.." he muttered, his face contorting in horror and guilt. It made Peter's stomach clench painfully.

"Yeah, uh- it happened not too long before that, um, event." Peter fumbled dropping his gaze back to his lap where he twisted his fingers anxiously.

"Are you ok?" Tony immediately demanded standing up from his little skateboard sending it rolling into some old abandoned projects.

Peter flinched at the sickening crunch of metal, but the noises did not affect Tony in any way for he was still barreling towards Peter.

"Mr.Stark- I'm fine!-sir!" Peter choked out as Tony felt his pulse and checked his head.

"it was a while ago, all the wounds are-"

"why didn't you tell me?" demanded Tony whos face screamed nothing but crippling guilt and anger.

Peters' mouth stayed glued shut as he looked everywhere but at Tony.

"it's not your fault-"

Tony lifted a hand to the teens face abruptly cutting him off.

"stop, don't avoid my question. Why didn't you tell me?"

"how was a suppose to?" whispered Peter brokenly as the memories of the warehouse seeped into his mind.

" I didn't have Karen, my phone was in Toomes car, and Happy wouldn't answer Ned." tears filled his eyes as phantom pains hit his ribs. As he remembered how hard it was to breathe, to move, to scream.

"Peter I'm-"

"don't apologize Mr.Stark, it isn't your fault."

Tony slouched back in his chair,
"how?" he demanded quietly, knowing already that nothing will convince him otherwise.

He had set his kid up for this, stripped him of the only protection he had. He should have known Peter wouldn't have stopped, he had been spiderman before Tony had recruited him. He had just hoped that his lecture after the ferry incident would have discouraged him. Clearly, it had not.

"you didn't make me go after him. I chose to. Even after he threatened me-"

"He threatened you?"

Peter gave a weak chuckle,

"Yes, Mr.Stark-"

"How, when, where"

"uh, with a gun, homecoming night, in the car-"

"why, for the love of God, were you in the fucking car with him?" Asked Tony appalled at his stupidity, you never get in the car with a stranger. That's why 'stranger danger' was put into motion! To protect dumb little-enhanced teenagers from getting in the car with somebody you wanted to kill them.

"He was, um, taking me to homecoming..?"

Tony blinked at Peter, his mind freezing and his confusion setting in.


"His daughter asked me to homecoming, and she was my crush throughout that year. She's so pretty and smart how could I say no, I didn't know Toomes was her dad until he opened the door for me and he found out I was spiderman when we were in the car and I-"

"kid, kid. Slow down. ok, I understand now, "

Peter took a big breath to get back all of his lost air, Nodding quickly.

"thank you, Mr.Stark-"

"but!" Tony interrupts,
"This doesn't mean I'm not going to-"

"please don't talk the suit! I'm sorry, I shouldn't have gone after him-"

"kid, after hearing the results of when I took your suit that's the last thing I want to do." Tony gave Peter a look.

"what I was going to say was that I still wanted to run you by the medical wing to make sure you aren't hiding anything from me."

"Oh, " Peter mumbled looking back at just hands. "honestly though I'm-"

"zip it, " Peter slammed his mouth shut. "No opinions from people are 15, have spidey powers, is about 5'0" tall-"

"Hey! I'm at least 5'3"-"

"AND, with the name Peter."

Peter gave a weak laugh, and suddenly the tense aura in the lab left. Leaving a slightly anxious teenager and an even more anxious mentor who couldn't tear his eyes off his kid.

"I'm proud of you Peter, " Tony hummed, stepping back from Peter.

You could practically feel the happiness that steamed off the enhanced teen. he straightened his back and squared his shoulder, a goofy grin entered his face as he replied.

"Thank you, Tony,"

Tony couldn't refrain the fond smile the crept on his lips

I have to admit. I'm not very happy with how this turned out. But I hope you all enjoyed it at least :)

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