Left to Hurt PART TWO

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**Trigger warning**
Vague description of depression, mentions of attempted suicide. Don't read if any of these can hurt you :(

The ride back to the avengers tower was silent, Peters face was soaked was tears and displayed emptiness that scared Tony.
He had barely got there in time, the blood on Peters knuckles proved his point.
Tony was just shocked, way more than just "shocked" but then again he couldn't exactly figure out his own emotions.
"Peter I need you to talk to me," tony whispered as Peter sat on the stool behind the counter burying his head in his arms.
Peter didn't reply, didn't move in fact. It was like his whole body had given up.
Like, he wasn't entirely there.
If that made sense.

"Peter, why, just why," tony pleaded leveling his head to Peter.
Peter didn't reply.
Tony's stomach dropped and a sudden urge to just scream and shout at Peter overwhelmed his senses.
"Peter..." Tony pleaded once more, frustration dripping off his words.
Peter lifted his head and Tony almost flinched at his expression.
It was just blank, but showed presented grief, regret, and sadness.
Tony shrunk towards himself.
"Mr.Stark-" peter started, but then was cut off my a hiccup. Tears filled his eyes, soon spilling over. And Peter just sat there, while his tears dropped down his face.
He just looked so lost, so alone. And all assure Tony wasn't going to leave Peter alone after the events that had happened today.
Tony stared at him sympathetically, peter flinched at it.
"I don't want your pity Mr.Stark." He stated breaking their eye contact and resting his head back onto his arms.
Tony stared at the brown curls that rest on Peters head, he resisted the urge to run his hand through them.
The note he saw perched on the boys backpack loomed in his mind.
Many minutes passed of Tony staring down at Peter and occasionally to the note that laid to the left of him. Tony watched as peter slowly became more relaxed, as if he was comfortable with the stinging silence.
Not to soon after that a soft snore came from Peter, his limbs looking considerably less tense, less alert and more relaxed.
Tony blinked at him slightly offended he fell asleep in middle of their conversation, Well technically it wasn't a conversation because it mostly consisted of Tony staring at the boys head. Tony made his way over to the sleeping boy and helped him out of the stool, and cautiously moved him to the couch.he didn't think twice on waking the boy up, he knew Peter wouldn't sleep much after tonight.
He rested him on the couch and carefully placed a blanket on him.
He carefully ran his fingers through the brown curls that sat on the empty boys head. With a great sigh Tony threw himself onto the chair next to Peters head. Seconds turned into minutes, and Tony found himself gazing unconsciously at the note that was perched on the counter.
The note that was clearly addressed to him,
Tony Stark,
Not Sam, not Natasha.
Tony hesitated between the boy and the note, he felt as if he would be invading Peter's privacy by reading the note. The  note he had written when he was so vulnerable, when he almost lost Peter-
Tears sprang to his eyes,
He reminded himself,
There was a pregnant pause, in that time Tony decided on his answer,
he heaved himself off the chair casted a look at Peter and quickly walked to the  kitchen and grabbed the note, with shaky hands and a quick glance over to the boy he unfolded the note.
'Dear Mr.Stark,'
Tony already wanted to just chuck the note out the window, to dispose of it. He didn't want to read it, but something forced his eyes on the paper,

'You are reading this, I know how you're like. But, I don't blame you. Who wouldn't read the last thing I touched beside the streets pavement.'
Tears pooled in Tony's eyes, and shock puddled in his stomach.
'I'm sorry, Mr.Stark.
I really am, but I wasn't strong enough. I've already lost everything,
My parents, uncle Ben, Gwen, Caption Stacy, and now May. And if i didn't leave it would soon be you and the rest of the avengers, don't try to argue with me. Gwen did the same, guess where she is now.'

'I'm happy now Mr.Stark, i know I am.
Why wouldn't I?
You are all safe now, and I couldn't bear to lose you, I've always seen you as a father figure Mr.Stark, and i regret having to put this burden  on you, But it's for the best.
I love you.

Tony choked out a sob, tears streaming down his face. He crumbled the note harshly in his hands summoning his gauntlet on his hand he fired at the note and watched as it burned.

No matter how hard Tony tried he couldn't stop the broken wheezes from escaping his throat. He needed to stifle them soon, he didn't want to wake Peter...
The image of him splattered on the pavement popped to mind and Tony had to shove his fist in his mouth to stop the sobs.
He needed to call pepper,
He couldn't do this on his own,


Tony whipped his head around to the noise, his breath hitched as he saw the curly headed boy looking at him from the couch.

The tears still streamed freely down his face, suddenly it became almost impossible to muffle his sobs.

"I-I'm fine Peter, go back to sleep," whispered Tony through the haze of tears.

Peter merely stared at him. His hazel brown eyes searching him.
"I'm not stupid," he stated.

Tony visibly flinched.
"I know Peter,-"
"Then why are you trying to tell me nothing is wrong when your face is soaked and your eyes are puffy. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that even now you're stiflingly sobs."
Peter explained, then he gave Tony that look. The look Tony gave to him when he was sick, the look Tony gave to Peter when he was emotionally hurt,
The look that screamed,
I want to help, but I'm not sure how.

Tony chuckled softly at the situation.
He wasn't the one that had just threw them self off a building.

Peters eyes wondered from Tony the the burnt letter in front of him.
His eyes widened fearfully, tears springing at the corners of them.


Tony marched across the room and pulled Peter into a back crushing hug.
His arms clutching the boy as he heaved sobs in the crook of his neck.
Peter shocked, froze at the man.
Tony was known for not showing his feelings, Peter was genuinely confused at the moment.
Peter eventually wrapped his arms around Tony and buried himself in his shoulder, trying not to cry.
Tony pulled away only to lay with Peter on the couch, He was on top of Tony.
His arms wrapped around Tony's middle and his head on his chest.Tony held the kid close to him, and with one shaky breath Tony whimpered,
"Please don't leave me,"
That's how Pepper found them hours later.
Passed out in each others arms


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