Time travel

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This prompt was sent In by @Larpyr , I hope you like it!

The day was going so well, Tony had got a full three hours of sleep, Pepper had gotten back from her five-week business trip, and he had a breakthrough in the lab. But of course, nothing seems to stay good in the life of Stark

"Sir I advice that you go upstairs and meet your team." Friday spoke, having the same tone as a mother would while telling their child to go outside.

"I will...in a second, I'm almost finished" Tony responded, "Sides, the meeting doesn't start till I'm there, they know that."

"Actually, it seems they have already started."

Tony jumps out of his stool, not caring as he listens to it fall noisily to the ground. He slams the glass door open and sprints to the elevator, jamming the button that would take him to the conference rooms while yelling,

"Come on, come on, come on!"

An avengers meeting was scheduled for today, it was an important one actually. it would be discussing future plans and new emergency routes because secretary Ross has men watching out for them since none of them decided to sign the accords.

So Tony promised Steve he wouldn't be that late to the meeting today.

The elevator doors hadn't even opened all the way before Tony came running out and sliding around a corner.

"Friday! what room!"

"It appears that they are in conference room #5"

Tony grunted in response before making a couple more turns before bursting into conference room #5 only to see the avengers leaning back in their chairs talking freely, acting like they are not in a meeting.

Clint seems to see the man first, he lets out a little chuckle at the billianars appearance. He was sweaty and his hands and shirt were covered in oil and grease. he had bags underneath his eyes that screamed "Im stupid and haven't sleeped in 48 hours"

"Glad you showed up Stark" Clint chirped, placing his hands behind his head while leaning back some more. "Thought you weren't going to show up until the meeting actually started"

"What," was all Tony said before the gears clicked in his head. He shot a nasty glare up at the ceiling that stayed, wise fully, silent.

"I gotta reprogram you sometime soon," Tony mumbled before striding past the confounded avengers and plopping himself down in a chair crossing his arms.

"I'm here lets just get this over with."

Steve snapped out of whatever trance he was in a leaned forward in his chair

"Ok, uh, thank you Tony for showing up on time.."

"Shut it Spangles"


As soon as the meeting ceased Tony left the room, striding for the elevator that would take him down back into his lab.

It turns out that FRIDAY was actually due for an update (or what Tony likes to call it) a checkup.

Tony leaned up on the hand railing, he could feel a slight vibration but he had assumed it was the tower just doing its thing.

As soon as Tony was about to reach his floor a loud crack whipped through the air, lurching the elevator to the side throwing Tony mericilessly onto the ground with a strangled curse. the lights were cut off and the elevator had stopped dead in its tracks.

He lifted his head and checked the elevator, everything was back to as it was before, minus the fact that it was almost pitch black and Tony could now hear the vibrations from before.

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