Chapter 3: Rescue

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(PICTURE made by: SnowClawYT
I ran as fast as I could across the roof. I had to get to the museum before she gets spooked again. I ran for what seemed like minutes before I came to a ceiling window that looked into the museum. I slid to a stop and opened the window and looked in. I spotted her looking around as all the people were frozen in place, eyeing her as if their lives depended on it. "Oh no!" The officers were already in that room and were getting their guns ready. I felt the scientist stop on the other side of the window and look in. I had to get her out of there before she got spooked again! I quickly climbed down from the roof to the ground. I looked around searching for the exit till I found it and ran towards it. "Over here girl! Follow me! I can get you out of here!!" I shouted as I waved my arms like crazy, trying to get her attention. She just stood her ground and eyed me. I saw her eyes were slits. This isn't good! She's already spooked. One wrong noise to mean her going on a rampage. I had to think fast or lives would be lost! "Please girl! They'll kill you!! I can lead you out of here!!" She still held her ground. I was loosing time! A women tried to take a step back only to fall to the ground, catching the dinosaurs attention. Please don't scream! She began screaming like crazy which only scared the dinosaur even more. She began taring people apart. I ran to her just as the lead officer gave the signal to open fire. I fell to the ground so I wouldn't get hit by the fast flying bullets. "No! Wait!" I turned to look towards the lead officer as the scientist ran towards him. "Hold your fire! Your scaring her!!" He was on me side. Thank god, but why wasn't the officers holding their fire. I looked back at the dinosaur as she backing into a corner and turned invisible. I was shocked. This dinosaur had similar abilities to the indominous! But, she couldn't have been made from the same genetics as the indominous, she was killed and her bones were lost to the bottom of a sea dinosaur enclosure. Anyone who would think about going there is just asking for a death sentence. I couldn't think about it anymore right now. Right now I have to get her out of here. "Stop firing! She's scared enough!" The scientist's voice wasn't easy to hear through all the gun fire but it wasn't imposible to hear him shouting. "Her life isn't worth risking everyone else's" the lead officer shouted and told his men to keep firing. I felt helpless. But, the way I could get them to stop firing would be to stand up. It was risky but I had to try. I didn't have anything to loose. I got to my feet and looked towards where she disappeared. "Cease fire!!" I looked back seeing all the officers ceasing their fire and eyeing me with anger and worry. "Get out of the way kid!" The lead officer shouted. I glared at him before I looked back at the corner. "Please girl, make a run for it!" I pleaded as I pointed to the exit that lead outside.

           I didn't feel her move, I only heard her steady breathing. I could feel the change when I felt a different kind of movement. The second set of breathing, second set of footsteps, and a very large shadow that seemed to engulf me. I froze for a minute saying out what dinosaur this was. It wasn't big enough for a brachiosaurus, a little to big for a Spinosaurus, and way to loud and big for any raptor. That only lead to one dinosaur. I slowly turned around to see a tyranasourous rex eyeing me than everyone else. I held my breath. It must have escaped during all the commotion. This isn't good at all. It looked from me, to a women not to far away. Mother! Shoot! It began to charge and so did I. I couldn't let this thing kill my mother! I ran after it but felt a force nock me back and away from the T-rex. I heard the footsteps of a running dinosaur, then, saw her charging the T-rex. She de cloaked and quickly grabbed the T-Rex's neck, surprising it. She threw the T-rex away from my mother and snarled she eyed it. The T-rex knew it wasn't a match for her and began to look around. I saw the officers evacuating the building and only a few people were left to evacuate. My mother rushed towards me as she wrapped her arms around me and tried to get me to evacuate with her. I was frozen and just stayed there watching the crazy battle. The T-rex turned on the officers that were getting ready to open fire on it. The strange looking dinosaur saw this and quickly ran in front of them, roaring and protecting them. I smiled. She doesn't hate humans. She's just scared. I saw a lot of the officers drop their guns in shock. Mother kept trying to get me to leave with her but I wouldn't budge. The dinosaur lunged at the T-rex, grabbing its throat and thrashing her head, taring its flesh. "Come on girl" I muttered. She had to win or we would all die. She was on the wining side though. The T-rex roared in pain as it tried to get out of her tight grip but soon she threw it down on the ground as it died. I smiled brightly as she roared as it telling everyone she'd won before she sighed and got on all fours. I ran half way to her before I walked the rest of the way, not wanting to scare her. I felt my mother try to grab me and yank me back to her but she missed my arm by inches. I stopped not to far from her as she watched me. I was silent for a moment before I reached up my hand wanting to touch her but I stopped. "Thank you" I finally said as she sniffed my hand. She snorted and turned away. I was a bit sad but it was a start. She was learning to trust me and that's all I could do. Whatever happened to her before I saw her must of been bad since she seemed to be very afraid of humans.

       I just smiled watching her. "AMANDA!" I felt a hand grab my arm and yank me away from her. I turned to see who it was that had grabbed me and it was mother. I jerked my arm free from her hand. And she looked at me. She was pissed off for sure. "Stay away from that thing!" She screamed. I glared at her but was silent. "Why!? She just saved our lives!" I questioned as we gave each other the stink eye. "That THING just killed people!! Can't your small, worthless brain figure that out!" She shouted. I jumped at that. She's never used those kinds of words towards me. I frowned, falling silent as my eyes fell to the ground to avoid eye contact. The one thing I wanted to do was get slapped which she wouldn't have a problem doing right now. "Your worthless mind cant put together that that thing is a killer! She killed your father! She killed many people here!" I flinched every time her tone raised and she mentioned dad. She kept going on and on about how she killed dad and how dangerous she was but I zoned out, not wanting to hear the insults she made towards me and the dinosaur that just saved her life. I felt the vibrations of the dinosaur getting closer and closer till she was right behind me. I didn't let my eyes leave the ground till I knew my mom had backed away. I looked at mother than the dinosaur as she stood behind me, glaring at my mother. "We are going home! Come on AMANDA!" She screamed as she stomped to the door that led outside into the parking lot. My feet were rooted to the ground as I looked between my mother and the dinosaur that stood right over me. "AMANDA!" She screamed making me flinch. The way she screamed would have made a T-rex or the indominous back down and run as far away as they could. "Coming" I sighed and hesitantly starting walking towards her where she waited impatiently. I felt a snag on my shirt making me stop to turn around. I saw the dinosaur holding my shirt with one of her claws. She was careful not to touch my skin as she looked at me and seemed to whine. I smiled a little looking at her. "I'll be back, don't worry" I said before my mother screamed my name again. The dinosaur continued to whine as I walked away, her claw taring my shirt a little. I didn't care but I wanted to stay. As I turned to go through the door, I heard the lead officer tell his men to go back to their duties. Mother got in the drivers seat of a car and hardly waited for me to get in the passenger seat. "Poor kid" the lead officer sighed as he shook his head before he turned to look at the scientist. "What should we do with her" he asked pointing to the dinosaur that stood at the door watching me leave. "I'll let the kid chose, but for now let's put her in a larger enclosed habitat" he said. The lead officer nodded but left, leaving the scientist to do what ever he needed to do. The scientist grabbed a red laser flash light and turned it on which caught the dinosaurs attention. He used it to lead her into a very large enclosed habitat with wooden walls. He turned off the flashlight and closed the large door behind her as she ran into the enclosed and looked around, investigating the new place before she cleaned her wounds and laid down bored.

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