Chapter 1: Discovery

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It was a very nice day. The sky was blue, barley any clouds in the sky and it was just the right temperature for a family walk. Now, we live on an island far from the normal world. Yes we have advanced technology like the rest of the world but it was more advanced. We lived on an island were there were dinosaurs! No not the toy doll dinosaurs, I mean actual real live dinosaurs. I lived on this island with my mom and dad who were scientists. That's actually the only reason that we live here. Our home is kind of like a lab but it was as big as a mansion. We had a kitchen, living room, all things like a regular house built into a lab. We also had a few huge pens that could hold the biggest of dinosaurs. That's where mom and dad usually healed and or studied them. We loved to go for walks in the forest we lived in. the trees were monstrous and provided great shade from the sun. My dad had a special weapon though for when we came into contact with any aggressive dinosaurs. We were walking in the forest enjoying our usual family hike when we saw raptors zoom by ignoring us. It scared me badly, I haven't seen any raptors out here that weren't going to back down from taking us and eating us. We heard four different roars. Three roars which sounded like they belonged to three allosaurus but there was a fourth... that was unfamiliar to me and my parents. The raptors seemed to be running towards the sounds. "Dad?" I asked as I stood close to mom as she hugged me. Dad started running towards the sound with the raptors as me and mom following close behind him. We were surprised at what we came across. We saw three carno's attacking a strange large creature. It's body was similar to the famous indiminous Rex that was created years ago. It's body was also similar to a raptor. It's head, claws and tail resembled a raptor while the rest was a mixture. I stood close to mom as my dad took out his gun that was loaded with three special darts. These darts were similar to a taser. He shot the three carno's. The indominous rex raptor mixed Dino took his advantage and ripped the carno's apart as if they were beef jerky before it killed all the raptors. Blood on the strange dinos muzzle grew more visible as she continued to take the carno's apart as the carno's cries were unable to be heard. Dad was taking no chances with this new Dino. He aimed his gun at the strange Dino and shot a dart at her. I watched in horror as the barley alive carno's barley breathe. My family and I were shocked to see that the taser didn't affect her as badly as it did the carno's. She looked up as she sniffed the air. This wasn't good. She stood on top of one of the dying carno's with one leg on the carno, the other on the ground.she looked around with her nose in the sky. She looked like she could as big as an indominous if the two were to stand next to each other. Dad stood still his body full of shock while mom wrapped her arms around me and had us back up as we stared at her. Her eyes were slowly looking around but me or mom must have stepped on a twig since the strange Dino looked towards us. She perked her head as an ankylo came. She quickly picked it up and began to take it apart. Dad reloaded his weapon before firing two more darts at her but she moved out of the way quickly. The darts hit the ankylo and the strange Dino looked towards us. Dad backed up a little as he reloaded and aimed his gun at the Dino again. I saw her eyes trail over to the gun my dad was holding. Her eyes widened as she dropped the ankylo and roars and as she eyed my dad. "Honey, when I say now, get Amanda and run as far as you can" dad ordered as he stared at the Dino. Mom nodded as she grabbed my hand and had a strong hold. He fired his gun. "Now!!" Mom and I ran a few yards before I got my hand free from mom grip and looked back at dad and the Dino only to see the Dino with my dad in its jaws. My eyes widened as they were being filled with tears. "Dad!!" I screamed before my mom stopped and looked back at me then the trachurous scene only for her to scream as she covered her mouth and tears ran down her face. The dinos teeth pierced through my dads dead body before she through his body to the ground and stepping on the gun before she looked at us and roared. I was frozen as a helicopter few over head. Mom must had radioed them before she turned around. I saw that 5ey shot more darts at her only for her to jump and grabbed it. It's blades did nothing against her skin. I ran behind a tree so I could take cover. She pulled it down as she landed on her back and the helicopter exploded. I could hear her getting up before I peaked from behind the tree and saw her examining the wreckage. I looks around her before I just watched her. The Dino looked straight at me and stared into my soul as I just stared back. Soon, I felt wind past me as darts went flying past me and to the strange dinosaur. She roared before she finally fell to the ground. I was frozen as I just watched. I was shaken back to reality as my mother forced me to my feet and had me back away as we looked at the Dino. Mom looked up as we heard helicopters flying towards us and I had a feeling there were going to be soldiers and maybe one or two scientists in it. I had a good feeling on what she would say to which ever scientists came off a helicopter. I looked over at my mom as she yelled "What the hell is that thing?!! What is it doing out here!?" I wasn't really surprised at what she said and it didn't look like the scientist was either. "We don't know, but that is why we are going to take it to the lab" he replied calmly. "How on earth did you guys not notice this thing in the forest!!" The scientists was handling mom better than the others do. When ever it comes to telling mom that theirs been a problem or the creation of the indominous, they would pull straws.

"Please calm down, it's not everyday you find a new dinosaur, we are going to find out where it came from" he said calmly. Yikes. He had to be knew because all scientists know to never say what he just said to my mom. "Calm down.... CALM DOWN!!! MY HUSBAND WAS JUST KILLED BY THIS THING AND IT'S NOT EVERY DAY YOUR HUSBAND AND OR WIFE IS KILLED BY A NEW DINOSAUR!!! SO DONT YOU DARE TELL ME TO CALM!!" Yup, she was fired up now. "And How is that my fault?" Yikes, he's just pushing my moms buttons. She rolled her eyes before she looked at him. "Are you really asking me that? You could have been keeping a BETTER EYE ON THE ISLAND BECAUSE THIS THING SEEMS TO KILL FOR SPORT AND NO ONE NOTICED A SCIENTIST MAKING IT SINCE THEY HAVENT LEARNED FROM THE INDOMINOUS?!!!" She was yelling very loudly now that it caught all the soldiers attention."It's not my responsibility, it's the government" the scientist replied. This hit my mother as realization hit her."Damnit" she sighed as she looked away. "I'm sorry, but for your safety as well we must take you with us for you to be checked Incase you were hurt in anyway" the scientist said. Mom nodded. "As long as I get to talk to the person in the government in charge of what ever the hell they are doing up there then fine" she snapped. "I like your spirit, now hope inside" he said as he waiting for mom to get in. Mom looked at me before I followed her into the helicopter. He got in after us and so did the soldiers. As we lifted into the air, the helicopters taking the dinosaur flew ahead while the others flew behind it.

(Words: 1446)

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