Ch. 5: The Training Continues

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A/N: Hey everyone! Sorry it's been so long, life's been hectic. But I'm back, at least for the moment, and hopefully this'll make up for it. Please enjoy!

"You have done well in your first few weeks here, Wade" Grandmaster said as they walked side by side, escorted by the two guards behind them. "How do you feel?"

"Well, part of me is feeling great, and another part of me just wants to sink into the ground and never return" Grandmaster giggled under his breath from Wade's response.

"But, I think I'm warming up to it" he added in assurance, more for himself than Grandmaster.

"Everyone does... at some point or another" Grandmaster noted and both of them giggled.

"By the way, I've been wondering, how do you and the other minions get all of this?" he gestured around them.

"The manor itself has been here for a great many centuries, built by the first of Minions and kept polished and standing as time passed, making sure it was always as good as new. As for all of our resources, many of them we have acquired throughout the years. The food, we either grow or make ourselves in any way we can. We have many ways of taking care of ourselves that don't require money or anything else most need to survive"

Wade was amazed by their great sense of resourcefulness. It was truly remarkable. However, there was one other thing Wade was wondering.

"But how have you guys managed to stay hidden for so long?"

"The mountains, the clouds and the remote location have all helped to keep the manor, and our existence, hidden from the rest of the world. Satellites of the world's governments, on the other hand, don't often search this area, but we have ways of staying hidden in case they do"

"Like what kind of ways?" Wade curiously wondered.

"Some mystical, some with the help of people we have helping us on the inside" he smirked.

"Inside? You mean..."

"Some of the best ways to keep the world safe and battle corruption is within government walls"

"No kidding" Wade scoffed. "Wait, did you also say... mystical? Are you telling me you guys also know magic?" he grinned as they continued walking down the hall.

"Not exactly" he almost laughed. "We have also collected, and sometimes created, mystical objects. Some we use to our advantage when needed, and some we just keep under safeguard. If they got into the wrong hands, only hell could follow. Beyond that, some powers are too great for anyone or anything to possess"

"But who does get to carry those weapons?" Wade had to ask.

"Whoever has earned the right to"


After Wade and The Grandmaster had their little talk, Wade paid a visit to the library. Thanks to his curiosity, he wanted to explore all of the different books they had. The library itself was greatly sized. Wade was also really impressed by the collection they gathered. They had many books on historical fiction, fighting tactics, battle tactics, warfare, magical objects and techniques, and all the different abilities people could use physically, mentally and even spiritually. But the book that caught Wade's eye the most was a book about monsters. Not just any monsters, but the exact ones that Minions face themselves; ones that Wade himself could potentially face. There was all different kinds of these monsters too, some even much weirder then most. As it turns out, all the creatures from history's myths and stories, monsters like Bigfoot, Slender-Man, Jersey Devil, they were all real; at least at some point another. There was even monsters that nobody even heard of. It also showed which ones had already been taken care of by the Minions. Dracula himself was even an actual vampire, and Grandmaster himself turned him into ash. That part amazed Wade the most. It made him wonder so much more about Grandmaster, how he came to be the Grandmaster of the Minions, and what kept him living and going for so long.

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