Four Seasons 🌷

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[ 12:00 ] you wish his arms were wrapped around your small frame , you wish he was with you

please don't leave me from your side already

You wonders why he had to leave your side , it broke your heart trying to look back on your guys beautiful memories together

Now you had to act like you've moved on

But you couldn't, you tried to.

[ next day ]

How were you supposed to walk by him each day knowing that he was with someone else.

He had his arms around someone else that wasn't you.

At least not anymore. You noticed he was happier.

Happier without you.  But you told yourself you'd be fine without him.

You didn't need him. You were fine without him.

But you were breaking inside seeing them together each time you walked by.

You wondered did he ever think about you...

" does he ever miss me " you told yourself. You walked away from them.

You didn't know where you were going, but you needed to get out of there.

Did I even really love you?

How fast can spring come by, it's like oh can't get winter out of your head.

Maybe we were sick of each other and it was the best to leave our love .

[ late night ] 

You were going to head to sleep, and it was raining, making you feel even more sleepy.

But there was a knock at your door .. you went to open the door and there he was.

San, your world and your everything.

" San... " you whispered his name softly.

" y/n .... how are you " you looked into his eyes to see maybe there was still love in his eyes , but you found nothing.

" what are you doing here San " you told him as you rubbed your head.

" I miss you ... " you looked at him,  but you didn't feel anything ,

It's like you were numb to even feel emotions.

You, who were my world, I want to let you go.

Did I even really love you? You kept wondering

Why weren't you running into his arms again.

Why weren't you crying in his arms

But why were you not feeling any love for him like you used to all the time.

" y/n " he said your name making you look back at him

" you need to go San, she will wonder where you went " you hated mentioning her name.

he just stood there, looking at you.

" but I thought you would wait for me y/n" 

I gave you the world
Because you were my everything

" San I've waited too long for you to come back , I've waited for four seasons for you to come back " you told him and you looked away from him, not wanting to cry. 

Your heart clenched.

" why are you giving up on us y/n "  he held your hands in his, making you look at him.

The two seasons are changing

You untangled your hands from San's and turning to him.

" you gave up on us a long time San... I think I need to let you go this time "  you told him and he looked at you.

He didn't say anything , but he walked away.

You noticed it stopped raining and you stared at his figure before you could no longer see him anymore.

You heart felt numb. And the tears didn't fall down your cheeks ,

Not this time . You could no longer him. You closed the door to your apartment going back to your bed with a broken heart.

Because you realized that

The four seasons come and go again.

I heard this song and just a got a idea for this scenario, hope you enjoyed it ~ Mina 💌

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I heard this song and just a got a idea for this scenario, hope you enjoyed it ~ Mina 💌

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