Authors Note: To The Day I Lost You ✉

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Authors note: this is a letter I've been trying to get off my chest for a while... so I decided to share it with you guys.

This letter is very special to me ❤

[ so are you happy now ]

To my sister...

This letter is too late isn't it. well, here I go.

How are you? Are you happy up there... are you doing well, you doing alright ... Right?

Well, if you ask me. How I'm doing.... I'll be honest, I'm struggling.. I miss you, I wish I could see you, I just wish I could give you a hug.

I have all lot to say to you.... but it's too late. that day was supposed to be a perfect family trip, just you me and mom... but I never imagined it to be the last time I'd ever see you.

I'd never imagined it. I remember hearing noises, but I wasn't conscious to even recognize the voices... all I remember was waking up at the hospital....

I kept asking for you and mom, they only told me about mom... they said that you were fine, but they don't know what hospital you were at...

why did I believe them. I shouldn't have believed them that day.

I remember being in so much pain, noticing the cuts and bruises on my neck was hurting also, but I wasn't worried about the pain...

I was worried about you and mom. the days that I was at the hospital, I kept asking and begging... for them to tell me about your state... where were you, were you here, but in another room...

But all I got was "I'm not sure" or "I'll ask the others"

But a fool I was to believe them. Then came the day....

the doctor and the others came into my room.... I've noticed the look on their faces...

They looked sad... the tension in air was very silent... I knew deep in my heart that something happened

but what was it.... but the doctor told, the person that was taking care of me to give me my medicine...

I looked at them, but I saw a shot that given into my arm, it hurt....

But the feeling in my heart started to pain.

then... dad walked in

he looked worried... but I could feel something else, his expression was also sad...

there goes my heart... it started to hurt. However, I kept wondering, the shot that the doctor told the nurses to give to me... was it something to help me relax.

then... my dad sat next to me in a chair, the doctor was also sitting in a chair across from my bed... the nurses were also there, one of them holding onto my hand.

I could feel it... something did happen... something was wrong.

dad started to talk... his voice was calm, he talked about what happened...

" car accident" .... "a terrible one"

he looked at me and then looked to the ground...

" your mom is in a coma... we don't know if she's going to make it"

my heart was breaking.... I could feel it... then he looked at me

" your going to need to be strong... for me"

That's when his voice broke...

" your sister... didn't make it"

That's when my heart broke.... but I had to ask...


"at the accident"  and I started crying... my heart was hurting... Everything kept moving way too didn't feel real...

I wish it wasn't real.... I hated everything... I should've known... everyone was telling me lies, when I kept asking about you...

"they knew"

I was left alone in the room... and I kept crying... I couldn't stop... I kept thinking about you...

why did you have to leave....

and I keep asking that same question again.

why didn't you tell me your last words, why didn't you give me one last hug, why didn't you look at me one last time....

maybe I could have saved you... that day, maybe just maybe, I could have saved you.

what hurts the most...

I won't see you have your 13th birthday
I won't see you graduate
I won't hear your voice anymore
I won't see your smile anymore
I won't hear your comforting words you used to tell me.
I won't hear your laughs anymore
I won't be able to spend our fun days together

what about our fun adventurous picnics...
I won't be able to do any of those things anymore...

because your gone.

I still re read our messages we sent to each other... I still think about our memories together...

I guess you became a memory... never realized I'd say that... we made beautiful fun memories together

AND NOW you are a memory

I kept wondering these nightmares that I keep getting...

was I a bad sister to you...

maybe I deserved this...

our family used to be 4... but now its just us three.

I'm sorry... if I wrote this letter too late...

you won't be able to see it...

but I miss you

do you miss me?


Okay... well long time no see... I know, I keep disappearing, but I've been trying to get myself to get out of the burn out mode, also trying to heal my mental health.

Update, I am in progress of writing two new stories, so I'm excited to post them, also starting a new series of book, also excited. Just needed to update.

- Mina 💌

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2021 ⏰

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