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You'd been thinking and wondering about getting a tattoo. Now you were the type of girl that would cry every time you got a shot so this was far out of your comfort zone. Jack, your boyfriend, had many tattoos. Finger tattoos, a arm tattoo, you name it.

Now today was a special day, you had finally decided to get a tattoo. Without Jack knowing. The reason you didn't want him knowing was because he knew how much of a low pain tolerance you had and would worry about you everyday, all day. So today you were riding solo.

You walk into the tattoo parlor and ended up coming out with a badass tattoo. Now you were thinking about how to just walk in there and tell Jack.

"Hey babe?" You asked, getting his attention. He looked at you and smiled. "Yes, what's up?" He wrapped his arm around your waist. You winced and backed up a little. He panicked and saw that you were in pain. "Oh no, did I hurt you?" He stepped back, tears glossing his eyes. "No, no, no baby. You didn't hurt me. I promise. I just uh got something to show you." You told him and lifted your shirt to show him a tattoo that started at your waist and went down to your thigh.

"Whoa." He stared at your waist for a good few minutes before you brought your shirt back down, breaking Jack from his trace. "Do you like it? I wasn't sure you'd like it and would have to go though this whole laser removal surgery to get it off. And that sounds more painful than-." Jack had noticed you were rambling so he kissed you to shut you up and his fingers lightly graze over your waist.

"I love it."


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