•Daniel~2 Cigarettes•

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This is based of the song 2 cigarettes by Jack and Jack.


Lately I can feel us drifting, both of us been acting different. We used to be so consistent, isn't nothing left to say.

Me and Daniel had the perfect relationship, I loved him and he loved me. But we kinda just drifted apart, like if I said, "I love you."

He would just say, "mhm" and move on with his life. And it came to a point, where I just didn't say it no more. Daniel would be out all day, saying he's at the studio with the boys then won't be back home until around 3. His mood changed completely.

Now I see your face but I just don't know ya, like the pictures there but it's not quite focus. And I know it won't but I'm still here hoping, that it gets better now.

I didn't even recognize the Daniel I fell in love with. Our future was so unclear, and I was telling myself just leave him. He's not worth it anymore, he's broken your heart multiple times just by staying out late. But on the other hand I was telling myself it'll be better. It will get better.

No more late nights, us just talking. We used to FaceTime, now you'll just call in. It's no ones fault but somethings just fall apart.

When Daniel would go on tour, we would FaceTime consistently. Like everyday, to make sure we continued a healthy relationship with one another.
That kinda broke off after the second tour he went on, and the long distance thing just disappeared. He would still from time to time but I felt a disconnection.

I smoke 2 cigarettes but I don't even smoke no, now the suns coming up but I'm halfway sober. And I know it won't, but I'm still here hoping that it gets better now.

The anxiety I felt of losing Daniel was like smoke being forced down my lungs everyday. I couldn't breathe, and I took to alcohol to cure my anxiety.
Daniel never knew this, because again he was never home. I now it won't get better with me and Daniel but I hope it'll get better with someone else.

How'd it get so complicated, can't even have no conversation. Pass up on just trying to save it, but we push it to another day

After a while of not talking to each other, I began to confront Daniel about why wasn't he here half of the time, and we began to argue so much that we couldn't talk without having a normal conversation.

Now I see your face but I just don't know ya, like the pictures there but it's not quite focus. And I know it won't but I'm still here hoping, that it gets better now.

Sooner or later Daniel goes back on tour and we didn't communicate at all with each other. It was like we weren't even dating. Our future was demolished at this point and there was no way to every fix it.

No more late nights, us just talking. We used to FaceTime, now you'll just call in. It's no ones fault but somethings just fall apart.

Daniels face was unrecognizable to me at one point because we didn't see each other for like 3 months and I felt as like I need to move on and find someone new.

I smoke 2 cigarettes but I don't even smoke no, now the suns coming up but I'm halfway sober. And I know it won't, but I'm still here hoping that it gets better now

I stopped sulking around my house for the longest time and did something for once. The once burning desire to feel someone love me became something true. My addiction to alcohol stopped and I felt like a new person. The only thing I needed to do was tell Daniel.


Part Two coming up!

Wʜʏ ᴅᴏɴᴛ ᴡᴇ ɪᴍᴀɢɪɴᴇs✔︎Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora