chapter two; visions of death

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Madison should not have gotten back in the pool. The girl found herself unable to move her right leg, a serious problem when trying to swim to the top of a fifteen-foot pool. Even though she had been swimming all her life, she had never been the best with holding her breath.

Now, after almost forty seconds under the water, her lungs screamed at her to breathe. Scarlett grunted bubbles leaving her mouth as she desperately clawed her way to the top. The water, unfortunately, seemed to fight back, only pushing her deeper under the pool. Her leg still refused to move, Madison becoming desperate to breathe.

In all her years, Madison never imagined this was how she would die, doing the one thing she truly loved to do. And never had she thought she would die so young. In one last desperate attempt, Madison used the last of her energy to propel herself toward the top, her lungs burning.

For a split second, Madison's heart soared, her fingertips just brushing the edge of oxygen... but she was once again pulled under. Giving in, Madison opened her mouth, her brain forcing her to take a deep breath. Chlorine filled water entered her lungs causing them to burn even more, Madison crying out, a sound which no one heard.

The young teenager thrashed about the water, her mind filled with thoughts and memories of her short life. Her parents would be heartbroken, she was their only daughter, she was their miracle!

With a fading image of herself chatting happily to her mother and father, she easily gave in to the peaceful slumber of death. Death is as easy breathing, living is much harder.

   Slowly, her body stopped fidgeting, her blue eyes that reminded so many of the ocean left wide open, chlorine infiltrating them.

It was still early, no one would find her body for a few hours. Overhead, the pool water lapped, the waves from Scarlett's previous thrashing fading into a distant nothing. And at the bottom of the pool, floating delicately still was the corpse of none other than Madison Waller, a young teenager whose future was wiped away in moments.


Torryn Wilde's eyes snapped open and in a nearly neck-breaking motion, her body flew upright from her soft satin sheets. The huge house which Torryn resided in rattled, pictures and other trinkets shaking and falling. Torryn's mouth was wide, her mind comprehending the impossibly loud scream which tore its way through her throat.

The shriek was a noise that any person other than Torryn herself would find unbearable to listen to. It would cause anyone to clutch their ears and fall to the ground, it may even burst some people's eardrums.

As Torryn wailed for Madison Waller, a girl which she did not know other than from her vision, she prayed no one could hear her. The sound of her scream stretched for miles, and though it did not quite reach Jasper, it did reach a small base just miles away from where Torryn lived. Not that she knew this base existed, of course.

Inside the Autobot base, despite it being just before seven o'clock on a Saturday morning, every single Autobot was awake and they had already got their human charges for the day. Raf sat on the couch with Bumblebee crouched behind it, both of them playing a friendly round of Raf's racing game.

Jack leaned on the railing across from the couch talking to Arcee about anything and everything on his mind, while Miko stood playing her heavy metal guitar on what she called her 'stage', but in reality was only a small ledge leading off the main staircase. Bulkhead stood in front of her, nodding along to her heavy metal music, Miko smiling at the attention she was receiving from her guardian.

𝙎𝘾𝙍𝙀𝘼𝙈 𝙌𝙐𝙀𝙀𝙉 [✭] 𝙎𝙢𝙤𝙠𝙚𝙨𝙘𝙧𝙚𝙚𝙣 𝙏𝙁𝙋Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ