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Zoe was washing her hair in the shower when the bathroom door opened quite suddenly and she shrieked, covering herself before Martin walked in shirtless with no trousers on.
"Jeez Marty were you in the sea?" She laughed as he walked into the shower beside her and she placed her arms around his neck.
"It was so tempting... and so cold." He replied, running his hands down her back and watching the water trail down her cheeks.
"What did Lottie want?" Asked Zoë, looking up at his face.
"I've got a meeting tomorrow morning." He replied,
"Eew." She Moaned before he lifted her up by her thighs and sat down on the shower floor with her sitting on top of him, her legs splayed either side of his.
"But after that.. I'm coming straight home to you and we're getting ice cream." He promised.
Zoe giggled at him, rubbing her nose with his before kissing his opened mouth, smiling as he bent his knees and brought them closer together.

Martin had coated his face with shaving cream while Zoe walked out of the shower and placed a towel around herself before running her hands down Martin's exposed back as he began to shave his neck.
"Careful." She cooed, rubbing her face along his muscled arm.
"Don't you trust me?" He murmured, smirking while extending his neck and swiping the blade straight upwards before running it under the tap.
Zoe watched him intently through the reflection in the mirror, seeing the loss in his eyes, she shook her head slightly. This is a man who has lost absolutely everything, but here he is, carrying on with life like he's a normal human being.
"I've gotta go in about ten minutes to see Sophie." Said Martin once he had finished shaving and had started towel-drying his hair.
"You staying overnight with her?" She Asked, dunking her finger into a tub of moisturiser and scraping it from her nail onto her face.
"Nah, I'll be home by five-ish this evening." He told her.
"What'll you wear?" She Asked him, rubbing the cream onto her face.
"Something casual, shirt or something? I dunno."
"Wear that blue fleece over a shirt." She suggested,
"If you insist, my dear." He laughed, beginning to gel his hair while placing a hand on her shoulder and massaging her gently.
"I'm gonna drive over to my house and grab my stuff today- can I have the van?" Asked Zoë,
"You may indeed." He replied, kissing her cheek before walking back into the bedroom and opening up a suitcase containing his clothes.
He took out a clean shirt and a pair of jeans along with the blue half-zip fleece he hadn't been aware that Zoe liked.
After blow-drying her long blonde hair, Zoe dressed into a white tank top paired with a blue and white unbuttoned checkered shirt and jeans.
"I'm gonna have to collect my car one of these days, and then try and sell my old house." She told him,
"We could use it as a holiday home?" He offered,
"About 2 miles away and in the suburbs? I think not." She joked.
"Perhaps a home in the south of France ?" Suggested Martin,
"Perhaps let's just wait till the babies come." Zoë Responded, walking over to him and putting her hands on his shoulders, sitting on the bed with her legs around his waist when he finished tying the laces of his brown leather shoes. He smiled as she kissed his cleanly shaven jaw,
"Three kids..." he sighed, closing his eyes.
"Name ideas?" She asked him,
"Zoe Junior, Zoe Junior Junior, Zoe Junior Junior Junior." He joked, turning around and crawling over her.
"Perfect. Very original." She mumbled as she wrapped her arms around him and he buried his face into her neck, exhaling.
"Oh god I love you, Zoe." He breathed, feeling a wave of nausea towards seeing his sister.
"When's the last time you saw her?" She asked him,
"Martha's funeral, only very briefly though, spoke to her for about three minutes." He replied,
"She wasn't at Emily's?" Asked Zoë, confused.
"I think she was far too pregnant for Emily's." Martin explained, "so she hasn't seen me smile in a while, that's for sure."
"Smile for her. Show her those pearly whites." She encouraged,
Martin nodded, "I will."
He kissed her gently on her lips and closed his eyes before they split apart and he bid her farewell before leaving.

It was a long three hour drive east towards the south of London where Sophie, his sister lived. He recalled the last time they spoke in person.
There were hundreds of people at the funeral, most of whom Martin nor Emily knew, but they insisted that they gave their deepest condolences. Martin had felt so unbearably sick since Martha had died. It had only been four days, and he had no sleep whatsoever. He had spent his hours self harming, throwing up and often curled in a ball in an empty room just wanting the whole world to end.
Martha's funeral was the first time either Emily or Martin had gotten dressed and left the house since then. They had barely eaten, and had spoken next to nothing.
As Martha was cremated Martin had to take a step away. He noticed Emily about fifty metres from the crowds and walked towards her.
"I can't believe this is real.." she breathed, unblinking and shivering.
Martin took off his coat and wrapped it around her, his eyes were red but no tears were coming, they had all dried up.
"It's just... I can't.. I can't process this.. I'll never get over this... it's just so... false." She continued, not making eye contact with him.
"I wish I could say something positive... but I can't." Muttered Martin, placing one hand on her shoulder as she burst into tears again, he hugged her closely and stroked her back, but he was as unsteady as her. His jaw was shivering and his eyes seemed to squeeze out the remainder of tears that were left in his system.
"Come on let's go home." Breathed Martin to Emily.
Emily nodded in response and split apart the hug, "sorry.. yeah.. thanks... that'd be better." She said, wiping the endless tears from her eyes before shaking her head and covering her mouth, "oh god... she was four.. she was only four years old!"
"Stop it, Emma." Sighed Martin, biting his lip as he took her arm and tried to walk her towards the car park.
"Have you had anything to drink?" Asked Emma, "I'm okay to drive if you want."
Martin opened up the passenger seat to let Emily in, "No you're not. I'll be fine."
He walked around the back of the car until he heard someone call his name, his sister, Sophie turned up beside him, Martin saw that she was quite obviously pregnant and was now filled with only utter despair.
He leaned against the boot of his car and burst into tears, she hugged him hard, she was crying too.
"Marty I'm so so sorry." She soothed, "I'll never be able to understand how you feel right now."
"Oh Soph I hope you never do." He breathed before standing up straight and splitting apart, "I better go... I'm sorry- t-thanks for coming."
Sophie, because she had no control on what he would do, stood back and just as he opened the door, thought it best to say,
"I love you, Martin."
"I love you too, Soph." He responded, looking back at her in the wing mirror before driving away, back to their dying home where nothing would ever be the same.

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