(17) Facing Disney World Again

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It was spring break they were all loaded up into one big rental car for a trip to Florida. They were sitting in the very back of the van. They pulled into the house that their parents rented out for the week long trip cause Dr Johnson and Dr Thomas both said that it could take them a couple tries to go in.

Bucky and Makayla were told that they were allowed to share a room. Bucky let her pick a room for them to sleep in. She picked a room with bathroom in it Bucky brought their bags in and she was sitting on the bed. He sat down beside her and grabbed her hand "We can do this right. We aren't 8 years old anymore. We aren't those small kids anymore." he said

"I hope so it's still scary. I still have night mares about that day and now we have two doctors telling us that we have to face the one place that is suppose to be the magical place on earth and for me and you it's a place where we were almost left at." she said

"Baby breathe." he whispered

"I want to go swimming

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"I want to go swimming." she said

He smiled and said "You want to go alone?'

"No.. I want you to come with me and make out with me" she said

He kissed her and said "I could just do that right now" he said as they started to make out as they laid down on the bed. He slid his hand up her shirt and moaned she was finally filling back out again and he was loving it. He slid her hand down his pants and he moaned as she started to play with him as they continued their hot make out session. He started he play with her and she moaned "You two might want to shut your door before you start doing things like that" Brady said as he shut the door they continued to make out and play then they started to undress each other and have sex.

Jordan looked up at the ceiling of the living room. He took a deep breathe and said "I need some air. My baby having sex is not something I want to hear." as he walked out on the back porch with Ace and Mitchell on his heels. Bucky rolled off of her after they were done and he swallowed hard "God I feel better." he said as he ran his fingers up her arm.

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