12. Lloyd x Reader // Lemony Taste

Start from the beginning

Lloyd was already preparing the ingredients right off the bat, you were surprised of course. He seemed really interested.

"I'm actually baking." Lloyd cuts the small silence.

"Baking? Since when did you learn how to bake? Morever when did you learn how to even cook?" You asked, flabbergasted.

"Secret!" He exclaimed with joy. Wow. Your heart thumped a little by the glimmer you saw in his eyes.

You approached him and stood next to him, watching him as he mixed ingredients to the batter.

Lemons everywhere.

"You sure that ain't going to be too lemony?" You questioned doubtedly.

He scoops a but of batter on his pinky finger and tasted it, his eyes lit up as if it was delicious. "Wanna taste?" He suggests.

Due to his reaction you replied, "I mean... yeah sure."

You were taken aback as he collided his lips with yours. Eyes wide, you were stuck at your position. But your brain processed everything and somehow acted according to what was happening. His lips moved in sync with yours. You could taste it.

His tongue slid in asking for no permission, you could clearly make out the taste of what he was making. You moaned a little in between the session. He brings you closer to him until your chest was touching his. He was taller than you by a few centimetres, so kissing alone wasn't too hard of a job to do.

You sure did enjoy it.

Finally breaking free from the kiss, you look at Lloyd and blushed. You bit your lip and looked at the bowl of cake batter.

"How was it?" Lloyd asks, amused.

"It... It's delicious. Although you didn't have to do that..." You trailed off. "And it's lemony, just the perfect amount. I love that."

"Pfft, you enjoyed it. Don't deny."

"Fine." you blush.

You hear him chuckle. "You're cute, you know that?"

He then prepares the rest of the cake preparation all by himself and finally he let it bake for a good forty five minutes to an hour. In the meanwhile, you and him casually exchange conversations with each other as if nothing happened.

"I lowkey want to do it again," he says.

"Do what?"

"Kiss you."


"Oh it's done!" He jumps from his seat and carefully slides the pan off the oven and places it on the kitchen table. He goes to the fridge and puts out a premade frosting cream. When the hell did he...?

You see him take the cake off the pan and he ever so joyfully frosts the dessert. You just watch at him, absolutely mesmerized.

I think that's why I like him.

In a matter of time he places a plate of sliced lemon cake in front of you. You could feel your mouth watering and just like that, you decide to take your first bite.

The cream and frosting, and the cake altogether melted smoothly in your mouth, the flavor bursting out. It was delicious.

Your eyes lit up. "Lloyd! This is delicious! Wow!"

He smiles at you. "It was made with love after all."

"Hm?" You look up at him.

"(Y/N), you've got frosting on the corner of your lips."

You were about to wipe it off but he suddenly stops you from doing so. He leaned in towards you and licks off the frosting. Afterwards, he places a small heartwarming kiss on your lips.

You could feel your heart fluttering.

Lloyd takes a seat back again and ushers you to finish your plate.

"How is it?" He asks, grinning.

"Of course, it's lemon cake. It's not too sweet and not too bland. Just the perfect amount. It's...lemony, too."


You agreed.

You suddenly hear the words of, "you'll get more of a lemony taste once you're done."


Wait, what?

He had a smirk lifting the corner of his lips.

IMPORTANT A/N · I know it's innocent, but it was something I intended. I wanted to write something a lil sweet yet hinted a bit of naughtiness at the same time. I thought Lloyd was a perfect candidate for this one. HAHA FORGIVE ME.

But I hope you liked this one. I just wanted to do this for fun yet again. I know this book is supposed to be complete but I can't help but update it every once in a while. It's fun. Consider these as new oneshots or extra oneshots hehe.

Love y'all <3 You guys never fail to make me smile and laugh by reading your comments on this book. It's something to lift me up when I'm down sometimes.

You, yes you, you're amazing. Have a nice day <3

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