12. Lloyd x Reader // Lemony Taste

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Enjoy, y'all :^) There will be a kinda important author's note later, it's not something serious but I hope you read that too :)

This oneshot will be innocent af. Sort of.

Enjoy, loves.

"Lloyd I'm hungry," you state and glanced at Lloyd who was unfortunately too busy playing some video games. He hadn't bat an eye on you ever since he started playing few hours ago.

"Lloyd!" You exclaim. You see him look at you at his peripheral view, he didn't even turn towards you. Talk about ignoring me, jeez. You think to yourself almost frustrated.

"(Y/N), what have you been doing the past few hours you've been in my room?" He asks out of nowhere and I paused.

"Whadaya mean?" You question. Lloyd finally pauses his game and turns to you, a brow raised.

"Look down, (Y/N)."

You furrowed your eyebrows and did as what told.

"C-Chip packets..."

"That's right, and you're still hungry?" He was beginning to mock you at this point. It was normal between the both of you anyway, so no switches turned on.

"But I'm still hungry!~" You whined annoyingly. You were good at pissing him off with your childish voice. A high pitched, whiny tone that could put off anyone including the rest of the ninjas.

"(Y/N)! Stop doing that!" He said, now irritated. You can't help but laugh at his reaction.

"Then do something~"

He stands up furious and you smile. You stood up on your feet and put your arms back, greeting him with a warm grin of appreciation. "Thank you, love."

He stares at you for a while, looking immersed at your mere presence. He then sighed.

"Let's go grocery shopping."


"We ran out of lemons the other day, (Y/N). Remember when Nya served us all lemonades? Yeah we consumed that much vitamin C."

You laughed at him and gleefully agreed. "What do you need lemons for though?" You asked.

He ruffles his hair before answering. "You hungry or no?"

"I'm hungry of course!" An instant reply was enough for you and Lloyd to set off to your tracks and make a trip to the gorcery store nearby. Lloyd didn't hesitate and picked off ingredients needed for what he would make.

Since when was he to willing to cook? Haha.

Weirdly enough lemons was surely a main ingredient here.

"So what do you plan on doing?" You ask, strolling along with him.

"Just be quiet and let me do the job," he says.

You scoffed, "I was just asking... Damn Lloyd you seem like a boyfriend haha."

"Aren't I already your boyfriend?"


"Just kidding." He continues walking through the aisles.

This boy was confusing if not baffling to say the least.

Once you and Lloyd got back home, handful of groceries, it didn't take long before Lloyd sprinted to the kitchen almost excitedly. Despite the weird behaviour you tagged along once again.

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