Chapter 7

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Everything is dark around me, and i can only focus on the pain surrounding my body.

I slowly open my eyes and quint at the bright light illuminating around me.

"Ahh..." i wince, as i carefully sit up. I move my gaze to my abdomen, and see a piece of metal sticking out of me.

I reach down to it and wince as i cant even put any pressure.

I look around me and notice the greenish blue soft grass, i try to stand up crying out in pain and look for anything i can use to remove it.

I see some spare cloths that must've fell out of my box, making my way over i grab a few items.

Bracing myself i use one of my shirts to bite on, while readying some of my soft pants to wrap my wound.

I carefully grasp the metal and feel it slowly coming out of my abdomen, as i scream out in pain.

With my shaking hands, i shakily wrap my pants around the bloody would.

"God damnit!" I cry out. Noticing a long stick i reach over to it and drag it over to me, to help me support myself.

Standing up i look at the stick, only to see where i had touched it, it eliminated a soft glow.

"Ah!" I scream, throwing the stick away from me, instantly regretting that option as i wince in pain.

I shakily stand back up and make my way over to the 'stick' and poke it, seeing a soft yellow glow come from where i touched it, and retract my hand.

What the hell?!

Reaching back over i grab hold of the stick and look in awe as i see the soft yellow glow return and surround my hand.

I gain my strength and cautiously stand up.

I use my stick to help me limp over to my crashed pod, looking for anything that may have survived the crash.

Out of the corner of my eye i notice a piece of paper lying on the fluffy grass, I walk over to it knowing what it probably was.

I pick up the burned picture and see my family. Luckily the paper was only burned a little bit. Shoving it in my pocket i take one last look around, knowing i cannot salvage anymore items.

I look ahead of me, and see something i never have seen before. Expecting to see dark thick woods, i am shocked to see lights. Lights coming from trees, what i assume to be flowers, and many other unknown things I've never seen before.

I slowly limp my way into the forest, to see if i can find anything that could help me, there's not point in staying here with no supplies.

Walking deeper in the forest, i cant even tell if its still daytime for not, due to the thick treetops.

Minutes become hours.

I'm starving...

I look around and spot some sort of fruit on a bush. I make my way over, plucking it. I admire its odd shape and color. It is a warty, yellowish green fruit, which also glows like every other plant in here, but it doesn't glow just by my touch.

I go to bite into it when i am startled by a growling noise. I cautiously look around for any sort of organism, but am confused when i see none.

I turn back around to head back in the opposite direction, and then i hear a snap.

I whip back around so see a bush shaking. I use my stick and limp over, slightly poking it.

"Ah!" I scream, noticing sort of organism pops out.

"Aww... you're so cute." I say after i calm my nerves.

The organism is slightly a purplish gray, with a long sort of tail that has fur on the end, the opposite from its regular coat. Along with the body, it is very small and plump with long ears and what looks to be tiny antlers. It's fur looks so soft, like a cloud.

I reach out holding my fruit, for it to take. It comes up to me and instead of taking my fruit. The animal, climbs up my suit and goes to my shoulder.

"Well i guess you aren't scared of me huh?" I say to it, softly stroking its fur. "It's just me and you here i guess." I say as i start walking, the animal not even trying to leave me, joins me on my expedition.

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