Chapter 14

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(fifteen minutes later ...)

Danny makes it to his mother's house, gets JuJu from his car seat, locks his car doors, and heads inside the house. "Ma, you home" he yelled from the bottom of the stairs. "Yes, and stop yelling in my house" she said coming from the kitchen.

"You hungry" she asked him while taking JuJu from his arms "Hey my big boy" she said kissing JuJu all over his face "heyyyy mommy" Danny said running After her to hug her while laughing, "negro your over grown ass, boy move, ain't nobody talking to you, I'm talking to my grand baby" she said slapping Danny upside his head and laughing right along with him.

Viviane put Jullius in his high chair and went over to the cabinets and pulled out some canned goods, meat onion amd bellpepper from the refrigerator. "So how is Bianca doing? I know she so called 'hate me' I really don't understand why, and to be honest I don't care to know anymore. I don't really stress it anymore because I know I didn't do anything to her. I prayed about it and let it go.

I try real hard to just respect her. I really do. It ain't so easy when a girl like her comes along doing the things she's done. But I'm grown and I let you two handle your situation. I only want What's best for you and Jullius. But I hate I can only see my JuJu-Bean if you have him. She doesn't reply to my text messages and never answers my phone calls. I think we should have lunch and just hash it out.

Put everything on the table. If I've wronged her in any way I am more than willing to apologize. But I need her to meet me half way though. You know what I mean?" When he didn't respond she turned around and saw him smiling in his phone, "JAVON" she yelled, calling him by his middle name. She only said it when he was in trouble or to get his attention. She laughed at how she said and even JuJu looked up as if to say "ma'am" she couldn't contain her laughter kissing JuJu's head while seasonings the meat.

"What, I mean ma'am?" Danny asked confused. She smiled at him and said, "I see why you didn't say anything, when I was talking to you. You was about to get cussed out till I saw that look." She said smiling at him, "look, what look ma" he asked confused. "That same look your Father used to give me. The look of certainty, the look of not lust but love. And before you throw a fit, I know it's too early to say 'love' but I can tell, you'll say it. You feel at peace and kinda funny around her, you can be yourself.

When you find your inner peace with somebody like that, you stick with it no matter what, she's worth it and so much more. So what's her name son" he smiled even harder, "Victoria! I know that nobody is perfect but she comes pretty damn close to. Ma she's absolutely amazing from head to toe, inside and out! And you're right, I can show her the side of me only you mark and granny know, the gentle caring side of me. And she's always making me laugh." Danny confessed watching his mother cook.

"Wow" she replied pulling his attention, "why you say that Momma, something wrong" he asked worried. "No no no, nothing is wrong, just never heard you talk about a girl that way, I see she's special to you. Where did you two meet" she asked cutting up the onions. "I saw her at a party, then I went to go pick up cousin Ray from school and saw her there, she goes there as well, and then saw her again at the mall.

I just had to get to her. Mark knew her name, because he knew who her parents where. I decided to see what store she went to, you know in hopes she's buy something so I would know what she liked. Only she didn't buy anything, she worked there. I thought it was so sexy. It made me want her more, because she's independent. I didn't think she'd just go for my normal ways of getting girls.

So I decided to send her gifts every week for a month and then i made my move! I took her out today for the first time on a cute little picnic. She was so surprised to see it was me sending gifts, surprised in a good way she informed me though. Apparently she had thought about new but didn't think I was interested.

I've even become pretty close with her boss Ashley, she helped me a little. She said it was nice to see Vicki smile and be genuinely happy, when I asked why, she said it wasn't her place to tell me about Vicki past so I agreed to let Victoria tell me when she was ready. Back to the picnic, to make matters better, I had all of her favorites, which just so happen to be all of my favorites!

We talked about everything. Her past, mines, JuJu, she lost her child, she in school to be a CNA, Bianca, past relationships, friends, everything. She loves kids and that's a major plus for me in itself! She actually come from money but she'd rather work for the things she has and attend school so she can better herself. Her smile and that laugh, it's like the cutest thing ever. She actually motivated me to finish up school. I only have six months left anyway.

I love how when she smiles her one little dimple on the left shows, how when she's embarrassed or I complement here she giggles and looks away, how she speaks so proper but it's still cute cause she got a little slang in her, I like that she been hurt before, cause I can and will be the man to mend her heart back together! I literally told her everything, well there's one thing I didn't tell her, I will one day, it's just too soon to tell her right now ma." Danny confessed with his smile turning into a frown.

"Oh baby. She sounds like a really good person. I know my child, you're slowly but surely falling for Ms. Victoria, and I can tell by numerous things. For one, you spent money on her for an entire month before she got to see you, you took her out on a date a picnic at that, she's got you blushing and she's not even in the room, the way you just described some things about her that most men don't see, and then theres how you sitting here smiling like you just got some bomb ass coochie, and I can tell she's not the type to just give up the cookies, you gotta earn them, and that, that I like" she said as they both laughed.

Thing about Danny and his Mother was that they only had one another and she had always been his best friend, his ride or die, his shoulder to cry on, his provider, his everything. Danny could tell his Mother anything and she'd never judge me, ever. There were only three people who knew Danny inside and out. His mom, grandmother, and his best friend and god-brother, Mark. Danny was hurt when his grandmother died of Leukemia, and he always wish she could just come back, or that he took her place. But she always told him never ever question God, he knows best.

Viviane's voice pulled Danny from his deep thoughts. "No, but seriously, she sounds like a good person to me. Don't try to rush it though, be patient. And as far as not telling her, I understand your reasoning as to why not telling her right right now but don't wait too long Ja'Von okay" she said sternly. Danny agreed and she went back to cooking. A while later she was done cooking and making their plates.

She cooked fried pork chops, loaded mash potatoes, string beans, rice and gravy, with dinner rolls. When they finishes eating Danny cleaned the dishes while she changed JuJu diaper. She kissed Danny and Jullius goodnight and watched them drive off. Once Danny got home he bathed Jullius and as they sat in his bed watching tv as he rocked Jullius to sleep. He laid Jullius in his room and kept the door open so he could hear him if he cried, which he never did.

He made sure all his security alarms were o, went by Jullius room one last time to check on him and then went back to his own room and got into his bed. He called Victoria and laughed when she said she wanted him to turn the tv to a particular channel so they could watch tv together. Although he thought it was crazy he agreed & was surprised how fun it actually was. They discussed the show, watch a few more and talk a little more until he hears her breathing steady out and a light soft snore so low he could barely hear it.

Danny laughed to himself. He stays on the phone just a little longer mainly because he didn't want to hang up. He was confused as to how this girl was making him so soft. He'd never taken a female out, not after Bianca. He never cared about a girl. He just fucked and ducked. But Victoria was special and he knew it. He said her name a few times, when he got no response he knew she was sleeping. "Good night beautiful" he said before hanging up the phone and putting it on the charger.

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