Chapter 4

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As Victoria drove away she couldn’t help but think about the guy from the block party. “Why the fuck am I sitting here thinking about a dude and I don’t even know?” Victoria thought to herself as she pulled up to her parents’ house. She let out a deep breath and walked up to the gorgeous house, disabling the alarm and walking up to her room. She got undressed and took a shower changing into a t-shirt and a pair of shorts. She sat down on her bed with her laptop in her lap and text Michelle “hey She sent and before she could open her laptop and check over her homework assignment, she got a text “You’re welcome boo. And took you so long to text, I thought you went back to the party and got ole boy digits” Victoria laughed and replied “bitch wateva, good night whore.”

After looking over her homework and added a few words here and there to her essay paper she saved it, and sat her laptop on the side of her and went to sleep. When she woke up it was 7:15am, she took a shower and found what she wanted to wear for the day. She decided to wear a long sleeve white t-shirt, jeans, a cheetah print and pink scarf, and her pink toms, leaving her hair in a messy bun. Victoria grabbed her black cheetah print watch, and a pair of earrings, before seeing her phone lighting up, with Nick’s number displayed, she ignored the call sending him to voicemail, she grabbed her laptop, printing her essay. As she walked out her room she stopped by the kitchen and gave her mother a kiss on the cheek before grabbing a banana, her books, and running out of the door so she could make it to class on time. “Bye baby, I love you too” her mom yelled just before the front door closed.

As Victoria arrived at school she turned in the paper and sat down at the table she always sat at. She took notes for half the class, then the instructor, Mr. Ross, announced that there would be a surprise quiz after the 15 minute break they were about to take on a book that the class was supposed to be reading “The quiz will have 10 questions, I hope you all studied, if not, pray you pass this quiz, you are dismissed, and remember the break is 15 minutes and 15 minutes only, not 20 not 30 Mr. Smith, you got that?” Mr. Ross said “Yea man wateva I hear you bruhh” Jonas Smith, annoyed. Jonas was forever and always late from break, that’s if he came back from break. On their break Victoria went to the vending machine and grabbed a snack while looking over spotting a guy walking towards her, Sam had been trying to get a date with Victoria all semester and she kept turning him down.

“Hey sexy” Sam said while sitting down next to her, “hey Samuel, how are you?” “Now why you gotta say my government name Vic? Call me Sam, and I been straight, I would be better if you’d finally agree to go out with me, come on, just one date, I can take you out for lunch tomorrow, please, pretty pretty pretty please, come on V, I’m begging, and Sam don’t beg.” Smiling to herself she thought maybe this could be a start, “Yes! Sam you may take me out next Wednesday , I’m off work, but for now I have to go, my break’s almost over, here’s my number, text me later and we’ll discuss the details” Victoria said while standing and walking away, as she turned around she saw the biggest smile on Sam’s face, it was adorable.

“I don’t really like Sam, but it could be fun” Victoria thought to herself as was handed her quiz. “After your quiz you may excuse yourselves, class is ending early today. I will post your quiz grades online tonight by 6pm if anyone would like to see what they made.” Victoria finished her quiz and felt pretty confident that she had aced it, she turned it in and Mr. Ross smiled and said “see you next week Ms. Scott.” Victoria smiled, nodded, and headed to grab her books, and keys before leaving the campus.


Any thoughts on Sam and Victoria going on a "date"?


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