Jacob's Wedding!

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Hiya guys sorry I haven't update in a while but vampireilicious was ment to do it but she fell ill so this chapter is for her!

(Tilly’s P.O.V)

I can’t believe it, today is my wedding day with the amazing Jacob Black, yet I feel bad for taking away Jake of his imprint but I had imprinted on him. And then he re-imprinted back on me so I can’t really help that. This is going to be the best wedding ever, apart from that fact that we have vampires coming to the wedding. My bridesmaids are my two little sisters Lily and Violet.

It is like 2 hours until my wedding starts so Leah, who is my BFF and maid of honour and Emily, who is my stepsister is my bridesmaid. I really hope I look beautiful for my Jakey, he is so amazing. I am in his pack and it is amazing, well, for a wolf pack. Leah is doing my make-up and she is ace at it, Emily is doing my hair. My dress is a cream with black lace making patterns on the top, like swirls and flowers.

Okay, it is now time for my wedding. My dad, Adam is walking me down the aisle. Then, I saw Jake. He looked extra hot in a tux. Everyone was looking at me with huge smiles on their faces. Well, everyone except the Cullen’s who were shooting me daggers.

“We are gathered here today to celebrate the joyest occasion of the marriage of Jacob Black and Tilly Anderson. Now, Jacob, repeat after me,” The minister said.

“I Jacob Black!”

“I Jacob Black!”

“Take thee Tilly Anderson!”

“Take thee Tilly Anderson!”

“To be my lawful wedded wife!”

“To be my lawful wedded wife!”

“In sickness and in health!” 

“In sickness and in health!” 

“For richer, for poor!” 

“For richer, for poor!”

“Till death do part us!”

“Till death do part us!”

“I do,” I am now beaming, I said the exact same thing but swapping Tilly Anderson to Jacob Black and wife to husband.

“I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride,” Jacob leant forward and kissed me. It was amazing like no other before and I loved it. I heard one of the vampires clear their throats but I ignored them. We walked down the aisle hand in hand and everyone was clapping, I gathered up all the girls, even the vamp girls and we threw the bouquet of flowers.

I turned around and the flowers were in the little hybrid’s hands and she had a smile on her face because it would be Seth she married. We went to Emily’s house and it was awesome, my sis did a brill job. I can’t wait for the honeymoon because we are going to Las Vegas and then to Miami. It was an amazing wedding and then, I heard Jake talking to the vamps and holding a box to the brunette who I think is Bella. It was her birthday tomorrow, apparently. Good job I had an emergency birthday present

Well guys i'm leaving it there I hope you injoyed this chhapter and I hope vampireilicious will get better soon we both hope that you like this chap and sorry if it dosn't make sence I was in a rush xoxo

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