Bus stop

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Nico's P.O.V.

I saw that person again at the bus stop, and every time my heart skips a beat, this started happening about 6 months ago, when that stranger smiled at me god dam it, why? I've loved them ever since and I hate myself for it. It's nothing against that person, but every time I see them I think that I can never have them I wish for them, this strangers so close yet so far.

"Go," Jason said to me.

"What?" I asked.

"Go, I know you like them, just by the way you look at them, go, before you lose them," he said a soft smile gracing his face.

"I- you know what your right," I said a burst of confidence surging through me, I walked up to that person and greeted them ",hey."

"Hi," they said, their voice gentle.

"I'm Nico, what's your name?"

"Oh, it's y/n,"

"Well hello y/n, I just wanted to say hi because your the only girl at the bus stop, you might feel a little uncomfortable, maybe, not saying that your weak or anything," I quickly said.

"I guess, I mean I go to an all girls school, and you go to an all boys, and as the only girl at this bus stop, I guess it kinda is uncomfortable," y/n said.

I saw the bus rounding the corner, and asked "friends?" Before I could lose y/n.

Y/n nodded before replying ",friends."

3rd person P.O.V.

As the years went on the two became very close, until Nico finally had the courage to finally ask y/n out on a date, and from then on their relationship evolved into a beautiful love, that had many memories shared together, whether they were happy moments or sad, but no matter what those two were never apart, always there for each other.

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