Adopted idk

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Nico's pov:

"Excuse me mr and miss are you Angels?" a little voice asked me and Y/n we were not good friends but we were on a quest to find a little daughter of Poseidon. We turned around and Y/n asked

"What do you mean?"

"My mummy said that people with scratches on their wists are angels Cause their pain on earth is bad and they wanna go back home but they have to wait so they have scratches on their wists"

"Oh well in that case we are angels but that doesn't matter right now what's your name?"

"My wame is Angelina what is yours and your boyfriend"

"He's/She's not my boyfriend/girlfriend" me and Y/n said together

"We're just friends my name Y/n and this is Nico"

"Friends" I whispered anger lacing my voice.

"She's little"

Fine" I said through gritted

"How old are you?" Y/n asks her voice of an angel to be gentle to the little girl "and where's your parents?"

"I'm fou & my dad weft when I was wittle and my mummy died two week ago by dis big doggie and she tell me to go to dis camp called camp half-bwood but it's in new work"

"We can take you" Y/n said that's were we live" she picked her up and with, and her free hand I grabbed it and we shadow traveled back to camp.

~One week later time skip~

Y/n's pov:
Angelina has been doing great she is the little daughter of Poseidon, and me and nico have been checking in on her and she has brought us closer to each other as friends. Which I thought was never possible but she is everywhere in the mortal world they want to put her in an orphanage but we can't let that happen, i like her so much I don't want her to go  neither dose Nico. We keep her safe from entering the mortal world.

2 years later

Angelina s pov:
"Happy birthday y/n" I scream happily and smudge f/c icing on her face.

"Ugh Angelinaaaaaaaaaaa"

I'm giggling now as she gives me a hug and puts a bit of f/c icing on my face too.

"Come on let's go wake nico Poseidon kid style" she says with a mischievous grin.

We leave the G/p  cabin and head for the hades cabin we enter as quietly as we can then I creates a bubble of water and we go over to the bed, I notice that he isn't wearing a shirt mention this to y/n and she starts to blush and I giggle then I gets the bubble over his head and...

SPLASH, it hit him, he shot up instantly and I pointed at Y/n and he started chasing her forgetting that he didn't have a shirt on Y/n's eyes widened and she ran around the cabin and then out, and he chased it was early so the only cabin awake and saw the scene was the Apollo cabin and they snickered along with me before they ran back into the cabin and he caught her.

"No way your not getting away so easily you owe me"

"What?" she said with a smirk by now I was stifling laughter

"You have to give a skeleton a hug" he conjured a skeleton out of the ground Y/n went straight up to it and gave it a bone crushing hug(see what I did there no oh ok...) she raised an eyebrow "is that all you got?"

"Since it's your birthday that's why"

"Fair enough"

We sat down and they asked me where I wanted to go I said to the beach cause it's y/n's birthday and it's her fav place to go then ice-cream they shared a look and then nodded I got sent back to my cabin and got ready for the beach Y/n popped in and helped me pack a beach bag with a towel sunscreen sunnies and clothes to change into after the swim and then left to get ready herself she came by and we left together meeting up with Nico.

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