Chapter Twenty Nine: Yes, I do. The Sequel

Start from the beginning

"But what do you mean by 'currently in question'?" Leaf asked, biting her nails. It is a habit she has when she gets extremely anxious.

I never saw her do it again until now.

By this time, even without asking anything or given information manually. I understood just how much Brianna had changed her life ever since she came here from Larousse. She did want to change her life. But I only wondered if this is all she ever wanted - the kind of change she wanted, hoped and prayed for.

But with my death penalty coming, it was too hard to think of anything right now but my own skin.

"She became bossy." Lucas continued. "Too bossy with the rest of us. She actually said 'we don't deserve to go to the party if Brianna doesn't go'."

"I think this Ursula needs to have an intimate talk with Mr. Ole Wackoo, don't ya think May?" Misty snarled beside me.

"I don't think anyone deserves to have an intimate talk with him Misty."

Misty just hmpfed. "If anyone deserve to have an intimate talk with him it's gotta be her. I just know it."

As much as I would like to agree with her, violence is just never the answer. Unless of course if the question is 'What's never the answer?'. Right?

"She was the one who planned on following you and Andrew yesterday. She thought that Brianna's disappearance might had something to do with you or something." Lucas inhaled deeply. "When she said none of us deserved to go to the party, we all opposed. I particularly did. Brianna left on her own and just because she did doesn't mean we should cut down on our own happiness and plans for the party."

I mentally agreed.

"And Ursula got mad about it?" I asked.

"We all fought against her last night. All of us did agree to tell everyone about you and Andrew. But she wanted more and I thought that it was too much. And Debbie agreed with me." Lucas finished.

Debbie nodded. "I'm not the kind of person that would mindlessly hate. She was acting unreasonably."

"Are you for real?" She asked incredulously. "I mean the 'mindlessly hate' part. Just looking at you makes my blood run cold you know. I think you might cut us all just by breathing all differently."

Debbie chuckled. "You're crazy Waterflower."

"So it's her that we really need to stop, right?" Dawn massaged her temples. "How do you suppose we do it with exactly forty minutes left before the party?"


It hung like a wet cloth dripping anxious bits of dead and damp air all over us.

And it sat heavy among us. Even with the thick fog of despair clouding my thoughts, I know this is the cue, the dismissal bell for my despair to come out and dance. And I have to take responsibility of it. After all, it has been with me since time immemorial. And if I didn't, then who else would?

"Thank you guys. Really." I clenched my fist and unclenched them repeatedly, as if the sticky goo of anxiety would slide off from them, but it didn't of course. "I couldn't have reached this far without all of you." I bowed, it was easy to concentrate on the words to say when talking to the floor. The floor has no eyes and therefore there is zero chance of it finding out how afraid I am and how ugly my face looked from trying not to panic and stay sane. "You guys prepare for the party already. Okay? Sorry for taking so much of all of your time."

I heard a sigh. Maybe it was Misty? Or maybe Dawn. But it was the sigh of disappointment, I should know it. The tone was all too familiar. Then I felt a hand on my shoulder. Maybe Leaf's? Or could be Dawn. And before there were any words to be said, I glanced away from the floor and held on that hand and slid it off of my shoulder. I was right. It was Leaf's.

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