Chapter Thirteen: A Date's a Date

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May's POV

A beautiful Saturday morning, well unless if you're someone like me who consider something cold and gloomy as something beautiful. Beauty is subjective as we all know it, right?

And just like what I promised Brendan yesterday, we're going out on a date.

First thing's first, I have never been on a date so this is basically a first. And that being said, I don't know what people do during stuff like this. So I called Mom last night and asked what she and Dad used to do during their dates. Asking her for information wasn't really as fruitful as I thought it would be, all I got was just 'You and Drew are going out Dear?! Kyaaaa!" and "Am I correct?! Is it real? Sweeeeeeet!" so I had no choice but to hang up or my eyes would eventually fall off from my eye sockets from rolling.

The date was not with Drew anyway.

When I woke up this morning, it was already quarter to eight and Drew was already nowhere to be found, he must have already left to meet Brianna. He sure was excited.

I sighed.

Damn brat.

I can't help but whisper to myself.

'Dating my hubby.'

Anyway, when I did go to the kitchen, I saw cooked eggs. He must have left this for me. As I munched on the scrambled eggs, I remembered that I should have just told Mom that Drew was going out with someone else instead of taking it out by going out with Brendan. Stupid move.

Oh my, me and my temper. I shoved the toast in my mouth before heading out to greet the warm water for my bath.

I've already promised Brendan last night so I might as well do it.

It was past nine when I saw him in front of the school gates, I wore my thick red striped hooded long-sleeve shirt, faded blue jeans, black boots and my favorite green beanie on my head.

"Sorry if I made you wait Brendan." I chased a few breaths. He looked stunning, like seriously. He was wearing a plain white sweater, a white striped scarf, a pair of black jeans, leather brown boots and his signature white knit cap. "You look, like, like wow." I said. He wore simple clothing yet, it was amazing.

He scratched the back of his head and laughed sheepishly "Well, you look gorgeous yourself May."

"Oh stop it." I laughed and suppressed a blush. "I don't really know this date stuff." I said as I looked down below on the snowy ground in embarrassment. I'm already seventeen so I should at least know teen stuff like this, am I not? "So uhm, I suppose I'll be in your care today then."

"That would be an honor." He smiled sweetly and held out his hand. "I would love to take care of you even for just today."

Whether you're my wife or not doesn't matter, because I would normally take care of you.

I slowly looked up at him and smiled. I accepted his hand. "Please do."

From the school we went to the mall, and as expected of course it was quite jammed with people, maybe because Christmas is coming or maybe just because of the weekend. And as for me, Christmas isn't in mind just yet because we still have to take our midterm exam before Christmas break and I don't get a chance to relax and think about it unless exams are over. I am still pretty hyped about placing higher than tenth. We took a sharp curve from the hallway we just passed and came to a stop in front of an unfamiliar gift shop.

"This place has a lots of accessories May, I bet you can never find something here you wouldn't want." Brendan said as he dragged me in the store. There was nothing really peculiar about the store, except for the fact that all of the shoppers here were couples! I turned my head both left and right, hoping that somewhere there would be someone who was alone, please someone tell me that this isn't a couple's gift shop.

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