Chapter Twenty Nine: Yes, I do. The Sequel

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A/N: Hi there! Welcome to the final chapter of this story. I worked hard on this and I don't know if the ending I wrote is worth it, but I'll let you be the judge haha

Thank you!


Chapter Twenty Nine

May's POV

"I don't understand!" I wailed. "Why does everything have to go bad! I don't even know what I did to deserve this!"

"Sssshhhh! Just calm down May." Misty grunted, running a hand through her ginger locks. She never does that without someone getting the unfortunate intimacy with Ole Wackoo. "We'll think of something."

"Please tell me how am I supposed to calm down?" I, going absolutely nuts, breathed heavily down on her. Why would I even not go nuts? "I'm going to die! In like.." I looked at my non-existent wrist watch. " less than an hour! Oh my god!"

"I don't even know who this Ursula is!"

Wait, wait wait.

"I knew I was right in tailing you two. Wait till the school knows about this tomorrow!"

Holy crap!

That girl with the coral twintails! Ugh!

I slowly looked at them, Dawn, Misty, Leaf. My dear friends. I looked at the Journalism Committee, Darlene, Roxanne, Debbie, Maxene, Remi, Michelle and Lucas - my new friends. My new friends, or whatever this bond we just formed a few hours ago is called, twitched on their spot uncomfortably. My best friends did the same. There was silence, except for my brash breathing and the ticking clock.

Realization knocked over me like an avalanche. It toppled me over with the unbelievable weight of the universe. The silence, the awkward stares, all of which made the floor somehow attractive.

How did I not see it?

'I really am selfish.' I whispered to myself. 'So so so damn selfish.'

"I'm so sorry May..." Dawn broke the silence, her voice sounded so fragile. I guess it has always been. I just never acknowledged it until now. She really had worked hard for all of this. "I totally forgot about her. This is all my fault." She said it with such emotion that it caved my chest with so much guilt. I never gave her enough credit.

What kind of a friend am I?

"No Dawn." I said. "It's not. You actually did a good job. Thank you.. You're amazing." I smiled genuinely.

"Actually.." Debbie, for being quiet the whole time, finally said something. This is actually the first time I noticed her. She has this blond bob styled hair clipped at one side with a red shiny hair clip. She is much shorter than I am, maybe a tiny bit shorter than Brianna, but she got that sterner aura. Her face, features and everything is small but her thick-framed glasses, which seemed to frame her entire face rather than just her eyes. She looked like a cute angry elfish librarian I see in fantasy movies. "Ursula's position in the committee is currently in question." She added.

"Oh, yeah." Michelle hammered a fist on her own palm. "Now I do remember."

Remi cleared her throat. "That is right. Ever since Brianna disappeared she has been unusual."

"She's been keen on looking for the Mistress. Keeps on yelling at us that we're not doing enough job on looking out for her and taking care of her and the committee." Maxene sighed. "And we were just preparing for the party."

"No." Lucas unleaned himself from the wall. "She just loves the committee as much as Brianna did. Maybe even more than we do. She only looks up to Brianna so much."

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