Chapter Eight: An Old Friend?

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May's POV

"Now you wait here for a bit May, I'll go get some snack while we'll wait for your new playmate." My mom gently dropped me in front of the local playground. "I'll be back as soon as I can."

"Okay!" I answered brightly and skipped my way to the swing.

It was still early in the morning and the sunlight was just playfully hitting against my skin. When I got nearer, I saw a noisy crowd of boys.

"You're trespassing within our turf kid!" The tallest with spiky black hair warned, looks like the leader of the troublemakers. There were three three-year older boys bullying someone whom I didn't know. Another lanky boy jabbed their victim without hesitation, knocking him out of the swing. "You have been warned." He added, preparing his fist for another pounding. "We already told you to get out!"

What I probably hate more than taking shots or medicine is bullying.

Who enjoys hurting someone?

And without thinking too much but hate on my mind, I clenched my fist and stormed my way into the group of boys.

"Hey!" I furiously called out, making the group turn their heads to me. "Leave him alone!"

"Oh isn't it Miss Goody Two-Shoes." The leader violently dropped the boy on the dusty ground after grabbing him by his collar. They all faced me. "We would certainly love to play with you as well." He despicably grinned.

They were certainly quick and by the moment I had full understanding of what I got myself into, the other two were already by my side taking a very strong grip on my arms. The leader slowly walked to me and smiled darkly. "I wouldn't have come here and interfered if I were you girlie." He raised his right hand. I closed my eyes in anticipation.

"Leave her alone!" A shout opened my eyes and I soon witnessed the same boy that was on the ground earlier now pummeling down the leader. I was very shocked by the way he kept on pounding his fist mercilessly on the leader of the bullies.

"Help me fools!" He agonized and tried to fight back. His two subordinates then quickly let go of me and tried to help their leader.

Thankfully, a bunch of adults came to stop the fighting and it was all over before I had even notice. I just stood there dumbfounded at how he was able to take all those blows at him yet he was still fighting and surviving.

A minute later, my mother came and was horrid to see if I have been on that fight or if I was harmed, I kept on telling her that I wasn't and she never stopped worrying. She even dropped the candy bar she brought with her. It was then that the boy, who was covered in bruises and dirt, came over to us and calmed down my mom. It was just then that I noticed that he was wearing a white knit cap with black thickened rim covering his forehead.

"She wasn't in that fight Miss." He tried to sound unflinching as he could. "But she did try her best to stop them and help me. I am thankful."

"Really?" My mom looked back at him.

"Yes!" He answered.

My mom let go of me as she scratched the dusty hair of the boy. "You were pretty brave out there and thanks for protecting my May."

All I did was hide behind my mom. I witnessed that he really did look terrible after that fight, and all his bruises on his skin and dirt on his shirt made me sad.

"Would you like to come over at our house?" My mom suggested. "I would like to clean you up."

"Thank you very much for the offer Miss but I think I'll pass." He smiled and bowed apologetically. "I really have to go home now. My father is probably worried too." He turned his back against us. "Thanks for the help earlier..." He said as he held his head high, I didn't know what kind of face he made because he wasn't facing me, nor was I curious anyway. "...May." Then he sprinted his way to the gate and out of the playground.

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